
“Grace” Lavery is a fake woman but by god he’s a genuine troll.

So adorable. Teehee. Only a man could think that would be funny.

No, no one will ever become the first trans woman to need an abortion, let alone to have one.

In any other context Lavery would probably make erudite fun of the idea that technological progress is so relentless and inevitable that some time in the next 40 years or so men will be able to get pregnant. In any other context Lavery would probably realize that by then climate change will have triggered such dire consequences that no one will have the slightest interest in trying to re-engineer male bodies to make them pregnancy-enabled, let alone the funding.

And then, in addition to that, there’s the fact that abortion isn’t like prizes in sports, or the career ladder, or the glory of discovery, or getting elected to high office. Abortion is a necessary basic technology, and that’s all. Bragging rights for being the first trans woman to “get” an abortion are not a thing, any more than bragging rights for being the first trans woman to insert a diaphragm would be.

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