Fingers crossed
1/5/2021- Good Luck! #FairFightAction #GeorgiaRunoff #GeorgiaSenateElections #StaceyAbrams #RaphaelWarnock #JonOssoff #KellyLoeffler #DavidPerdue
— Clay Bennett (@BennettCartoons) January 4, 2021
Sigh, looks like it will take more than crossed fingers.
11 PM CST, it’s still too close to call either race at 95% of the vote in, and the local officials are saying that they expect more Dem votes than GOP in the late tallies (since those are expected to come from Dem strongholds).
This should not be this close.
Re “This should not be this close”: None of this should be this close. Trump should have been defeated handily; Trump should have lost four years ago; Trump should not have been anywhere close to the nomination four years ago; Trump and his cronies should have been tossed out for abuse of power and violation of emoluments rules and many other issues; a whole host of execrable politicians should have been defeated all around the country. And yet here we are.
Paul Krugman had a good opinion column today about the decay of the Republican Party in recent years.
But Warnock has won! And maybe Ossoff will as well.
I have huge admiration for Stacey Abrams and her work. That is what Democrats should be doing everywhere.
Gerrymandering, the fairly recent ‘purging’ of nearly 200,000 voters, most of them African-American, from the electoral register in Georgia on the false grounds that they no longer lived at the addresses where they in fact they did live – and, as we saw in comments on this website not so long ago, there is, apparently, in the USA no such thing as institutional or systemic racism. And the same is true in Britain according to the Cabinet ministers who afflict those who live there.
This looks like very good news. Ossoff should be out of recount territory by this afternoon. Mitch will no longer be Senate majority leader. We can all rejoice tonight (and be glad we don’t live in DC, which will be full of sirens). After whatever the thugs burn down in DC today is rebuilt, things will start to look a lot different. We have two years to make it stick. We have to undo as much gerrymandering and voter suppression as we can, while passing policies that clearly benefit people.
And then we have to deal with the unpleasant fact that the Democratic Party is very much under the sway of the radical trans activists. Abolition of women’s sex-based rights is high on their agenda, as is increasing trans grooming and mutilation of children. Expect every congressperson to announce “their pronouns,” or have them announced.
But tonight we party. In a COVID-safe, socially distanced fashion.
Loeffler is refusing to concede to Warnock, and in a classic case of projection, when Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said election officials would take a break overnight but resume counting the votes for the Ossoff/Perdue race on Wednesday morning, Trump’s little Twitterbug thumbs hammered out ‘Looks like they are setting up a big ‘voter dump’ against the Republican candidates. Waiting to see how many votes they need?’
Ossoff went into the overnight break leading by 12,806 votes, 1,026 more than the 11,780 votes that Trump ordered the same Raffensperger to ‘find’ for him just two days ago. Raffensperger refused so he’s clearly on the side of the Dems. Trump logic at work: if he ain’t corrupt for me then he must be corrupt against me.
Papito, on the topic of wokeness infiltrating the Democrat Party, on Sunday, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo) led the prayer for the opening of the 117th. Congress, ending with ‘Amen, and a-woman’! As if ‘amen’ is a gendered word and not simply Latin for ‘so be it’.
Acolyte, it’s hard to know what he meant, or womeant, by that.
Demands for “a-nonbinary” coming in 3… 2… 1…
Well, we don’t live in DC, but just across the river, not far from National Airport, with a lot of hotels in the area and easy access. I saw one MAGAt last night as I was driving past the local restaurant row; didn’t stick around to see if there were more.
Reports on Facebook today that they’re descending on Metro unmasked and getting into people’s faces (and chances are many of them are armed). That of course puts Metro workers in an impossible situation: try to enforce the “No Mask No Ride” policy and risk violence, or ignore it and put the regular riders at risk. (And either way, the employees are at risk of infection.)
Also heard a report last night of three MAGAts getting into an Uber unmasked.
Greek, I think. It’s the everyday word for “indeed”.
Ultimately from Hebrew, roughly meaning “truly”.
Dang. It looks as if they did it.
One small (but fierce) editorial point – Acolyte @ 7 – pleeeeeeeeease don’t say “Democrat Party.” That’s what Republicans say, and they’ve infected the whole language with it. The adjective is DemocratIC. Democrat is a noun. The BBC follows the Republican lead and it drives me batty.
Re “Amen and Awomen”, I just saw this: “sheroes and heroes”.
Surely the “amen and awomen” was a joke, no? Just a kind of pun?
Some of my playwriting friends use the “sheroes”. I find that as mystifying as “herstory”.
Re #15, I’m sure “a-women” was a joke, rather than anything implying “amen” referred specifically to men. I took it as a humorous way to acknowledge the contribution of women, the way “herstory” and “shero” are often used. It’s nearly impossible these days to tell humor from ignorance these days, unfortunately. Rep Reschenthaler (in the article linked by AoS) is either obtuse or pretending to be.
I find it even more mystifying because there’s already a well-established word in English meaning “female heroes”. I understand why people don’t want to use “heroine” as a matter of principle, but if you’re trying to avoid it why do you need to invent another word to take its place?
It’s just wordplay!
Or at least it starts out as wordplay. I guess some wordplay gets so entrenched that it stops being wordplay and starts being annoying. I don’t much love “sheroes” myself.
Amen seems to have taken the scenic route, from Hebrew to Aramaic, through Greek, then Latin and eventually English, so everybody’s right about the origins.
re. Amen and Awoman, Cleaver has since said that it was a pun intended to recognise the record number of women in both Houses, which was actually a nice touch.
Ophelia, I can only apologise for my ‘Democrat’ mistake. I’ll try not to repeat it.