Fancy seeing you here
Interesting discovery.
The book looks at how teenage girls are being prescribed the drug Lupron in never seen before numbers to stop their developing puberty. These girls are reporting dysphoria about their emerging sex and sexuality and want to 'transition' to be 'boys'.
— Andy (@lecanardnoir) July 7, 2021
This cased a stink at the blog as it was seen as 'transphobic'. The trans activist movement acts as if children have a *right* to Lupron and doctors have a *duty* to prescribe it. Any deviation from this "affirmation' is 'transphobic'. This is not how SBM works.
— Andy (@lecanardnoir) July 7, 2021
The next was by an "expert" who had just graduated ihn family medicine a few days earlier. The third was by a non-binary doctor with they/them pronouns and blue hair who makes a living from prescribing lupron to such kids.
— Andy (@lecanardnoir) July 7, 2021
Gorski was writing about notorious autism quacks, Dr Mark and David Geier. This notorious pair thought that lowering testosterone in children with autism might help their quack chelation therapy.
— Andy (@lecanardnoir) July 7, 2021
From the linked article — these are Gorski’s own words:
Strangely I don’t see girls who thinks they would rather be boys on that list.
Oh, I see that while I was reading, Ophelia was writing this up in a following post.
It merits saying more than once.
Andy Lewis collected his Twitter points and more into a blog post, The Decline and Fall of Science-based Medicine. He concluded,