Corruption, ineptitude, and banality
Donald Trump Jr. is both intensely unappealing and uninteresting. He combines in his person corruption, ineptitude, and banality. He is perpetually aggrieved; obsessed with trolling the left; a crude, one-dimensional figure who has done a remarkably good job of keeping from public view any redeeming qualities he might have.
You know who else is like that? Donald Trump senior. Empty suits beget more empty suits.
Trump spoke at a Turning Point USA gathering on December 19. He displayed seething, nearly pathological resentments; playground insults (he led the crowd in “Let’s Go, Brandon” chants); tough guy/average Joe shtick; and a pulsating sense of aggrieved victimhood and persecution, all of it coming from the elitist, extravagantly rich son of a former president.
Yes but where’s the respect? Why can’t empty suits get respect any more?
Yes Donnie Dipshit Jr. is living proof that the road apples don’t fall far from the horse’s ass. Killing caged animals makes him a great “outdoorsman” or at least some ass kissing sycophant convinced him of that.
Although I normally avoid criticizing anyone over their appearance, Twoscoops Jr. looks ridiculous with his perfectly tended “Miami Vice” beard stubble. Dude, either shave it off or grow it out. Pick one.
Oh but it makes him look so macho.
Stubble is ‘macho’? I have no idea where this idea came from. To me, it just looks scruffy. If a man has a two-day growth, not only will I deduce that he’s been too lazy or drunk to shave for two days, I’ll assume he hasn’t washed or changed his clothes for at least two days either, and will give him a wide berth.
This is the part that grabbed the attention of liberal Christians, that DJTJR said something blasphemous against Jesus his own self. One can laugh at the audacity of a Trump claiming to turn the other cheek, but I really do think that the propaganda they are spreading fits in with the aggrieved nature of their followers. Every time they don’t get their way it’s “Cancel Culture,” or leftist wokism, and painting any Democrat not named Joe Manchin as a liberal authoritarian out to demolish Christian and capitalistic values. Following Jesus’ rules lets the commies win!
I’ve been pondering how people can believe themselves to be decent and at the same time cheer someone saying “Let’s Go Brandon” to the president who has just talked to their son on Christmas Eve, can think they are decent people while wearing “fuck your feelings” shirts, or “grab my pussy” at Trump rallies, idolize this family who only differ from the Gambinos by slight degrees and technicalities.
And the thing that jumps out at me is that their perception of reality is colored by their perspective. They just can’t see the nastiness in their own political heroes becuase they are not able to get past their perspective that they are in the right, no matter.
We’ve got Republican candidates for congress who think that they can jail all the commies for threatening the God-Given rights of true citizens once they’re elected. You know, defending the freedom of speech by suppressing the freedom of speech.
The Trumps know how to amplify this message, so despite being devoid of any ability to run this country, they can regain the power to run this country.
Also, ever since Fauci failed miserably to keep hidden how utterly stupid Trump Sr. is, Trump Jr. has been on an anti-vaccine (and anti-Fauci) campaign which he pushes as a right wing ’cause.’ Dipshit Sr. admits to being vaccinated, but Jr. has to keep the mighty torch of hypocracy lit in the dark halls of Trumpdom.
@4 Wise of you Tigger, if it quacks like a duck and all… :D
My hypocrisy, on the other hand, is pretending to be literate whilst misspelling hypocrisy. Some broken glass there, watch your step… :P
“Hypocracy” is government by hypocrites. We’re all familiar with it. If that isn’t a word, it should be.
Thanks Sack, I was also thinking that since I’m not a very good Democrat, I’m probably a Democrite? The wokesters lean me into that anyway. ;) Hard to maintain a liberal attitude when I feel like going trophy hunter hunting.
“Hypocracy” makes a very good portmanteau word.
And Hippocrisy is when doctors announce that vaccination is Big Pharma garbage.
Very nice. I nominate it for Urban Dictionary.
I just ran across an article about Junior criticizing the words of Jesus, as mentioned above. I have to say that I don’t find anything particularly noteworthy or good about the words of Jesus, except where they comport with what I think of as human decency, which is buy no means uniform. I have a number of nonbeliever friends who nonetheless admire the words of Jesus and think Christians would be much better people if they truly followed them. I am not convinced, and I don’t think the metric of “good Christian” needs to be tied to they adherence. So I find it interesting to see a right-wing figure criticizing the words of Jesus as a doctrine, rather than the usual walking around it, quoting different words or different parts of the bible.
Sackbut, I’ve had that argument with many atheists who’ve said “Conservative Politician X isn’t a very good Christian.” I’ve tried to explain that X has Christianity down pat. It’s very rorschach in that the word of god means precisely what I say it does and nothing less, and nothing more.
It’s just very coincidental that god demands what I want him to demand.
My favorite dismissal was the snide “Gentle Jesus Meek and Mild” Hitch loved.
Seriously I don’t understand liberals clutching at Jesus. He was a rather nasty man except where political preachers added in things like The Sermon on the Mount after the fact. Hell is a Christian concept after all.