Committed? Really?
Everything in his power?
Then why did he sack Joan Smith without a word of explanation?
Why has he ignored her since? Why has he refused to explain or meet with her or anything else?
It was entirely within his power not to sack Joan. She wrote the damn book on the subject. He should apologize and ask her to come back. That’s entirely within his power. Empty boasting helps no one.
Sadiq Khan has possibly been advised to tread warily here, lest he be hoist on his own petard. People will be scrutinising what he means by “everything in my power”, and how far that extends, in both theory and practice. Or should that be ‘theory vs practice?’..???
Oh, Omar, it should clearly be ‘theory vs praxis’
Or perhaps Praxis 1 vs Praxis 2; or upper praxis vs lower praxis; or upside down vs right way up. And variants.
Lots and lots and lots and lots of people have been saying precisely this to Khan. I haven’t seen an answer from him yet and my breath is not held.