I wonder what her definition of “socialism” is? I would bet a large amount of money I don’t have that the Venn diagram of her definition and actual socialism is quite small. Ditto “communism”.
If asked without using the word “socialism”, I also bet that a large number of her supporters would actually be in favour of socialist policies and programs. Some of them are probably already benefiting from such policies without knowing it. I recall seeing pictures from Tea Party days with people carying signs that said “Hands off my medicare!” or words to that effect.
If asked without using the word “socialism”, I also bet that a large number of her supporters would actually be in favour of socialist policies and programs.
In one of his books – either Dude, Where’s My Country? or Stupid White Men , Michael Moore made exactly that point. Working from the results of various surveys he showed that as long as the words ‘socialism’ or ‘liberal’ were not included in the questions then the vast majority of Republican voters favoured socialist- and liberal-leaning policies. Only when those dreaded words entered the conversation did they come down on the side of right-leaning policies.
I wonder what her definition of “socialism” is? I would bet a large amount of money I don’t have that the Venn diagram of her definition and actual socialism is quite small. Ditto “communism”.
If asked without using the word “socialism”, I also bet that a large number of her supporters would actually be in favour of socialist policies and programs. Some of them are probably already benefiting from such policies without knowing it. I recall seeing pictures from Tea Party days with people carying signs that said “Hands off my medicare!” or words to that effect.
You can find some here: https://www.google.com/search?q=tea+party+medicare+signs&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwirqeCPntbuAhUDZN8KHQSiBIoQ_AUoAXoECAUQAw&biw=1280&bih=598
In one of his books – either Dude, Where’s My Country? or Stupid White Men , Michael Moore made exactly that point. Working from the results of various surveys he showed that as long as the words ‘socialism’ or ‘liberal’ were not included in the questions then the vast majority of Republican voters favoured socialist- and liberal-leaning policies. Only when those dreaded words entered the conversation did they come down on the side of right-leaning policies.
AoS, I imagine you have to leave out the word “welfare”, too.