But this never happens

Ah yes certainly, I can’t see any problem with that. Bomber wants recognition of his new idenniny and oh yes a shorter sentence please.

The militia leader convicted of master­minding the bombing of a Minnesota mosque is asking a judge to legally acknowledge her transgender identity.

Emily Claire Hari was previously known as Michael Hari, who was found guilty last year of civil rights and hate crime charges related to the bombing of the Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington in August 2017.

During the trial, prosecutors said Hari was fueled by a hatred of Muslims when he devised a plan to pipe bomb the building during morning prayers. While no one was hurt in the bombing, it spread fear through the community, prosecutors said.

Never mind that, respect Emily’s womany soul.

[Defense attorney Shannon] Elkins said Hari bought military fatigues for her so-called missions but purchased female clothing for a planned trip to Thailand for male-to-female surgery, the Star Tribune reported. Hari was living a double life, Elkins said.

And buying women’s clothing is absolute proof that a man is a woman. The instant that credit card is in the hand of the female clothing store employee, the man is a woman.

Elkins cited these as factors in asking U.S. District Judge Donovan Frank to give Hari no more than the minimum 30-year prison sentence, not the life term prosecutors have requested.

Sure, why not? Obviously if a womany woman did it then a shorter sentence is fair because…um…she has 30 years worth of dishes to wash?

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