Jolyon Maugham yet again asserting his belief that evil witches control the world.
"Always ask who has the power?" says the rich educated straight white male lawyer who is fully aware of his privilege and never uses it to "tell those without it they are wrong."
I also assume that in order to maintain the illusion that trans women are a subset of women, and the oppressed subset of women at that, Maugham has to say this to prevent the smoke from clearing.
I also assume that in order to maintain the illusion that trans women are a subset of women, and the oppressed subset of women at that, Maugham has to say this to prevent the smoke from clearing.
“White Woman Feminism” (aka Women oppressed on the basis of sex through the means of gender) explains:
Female infanticide
Female genital mutilation
Menstruation tents
Child Brides
Female Virginity Requirements
Female Modesty Requirements
Females restricted from masculine activities (education, jobs, property ownership, leadership positions)
Sex trafficking
Exploitation of female resources of reproduction, sexual activity, emotional and physical labor
“REAL Feminism” (aka Women oppressed because of their Gender Identity) explains:
Transwomen being refused access to safe spaces, activities, and awards reserved for women
Exploitation of women because of the way they present themselves
Yes, that second list just screams it’s concern with nonwestern people of color throughout history
Do you think Maugham feels oppressed by foxes? Did he ask the fox who has all the power?