The Supreme Court sends case back to Lower Court, arguments to continue. This is all a political prosecution. I won the Mueller Witch Hunt, and others, and now I have to keep fighting in a politically corrupt New York. Not fair to this Presidency or Administration!
We have a totally corrupt previous Administration, including a President and Vice President who spied on my campaign, AND GOT CAUGHT…and nothing happens to them. This crime was taking place even before my election, everyone knows it, and yet all are frozen stiff with fear….
….for another President. This is about PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT. We catch the other side SPYING on my campaign, the biggest political crime and scandal in U.S. history, and NOTHING HAPPENS. But despite this, I have done more than any President in history in first 3 1/2 years!
So Obama and Biden got caught in a criminal conspiracy against him. Yeah, in his mind. He caught them, in his fevered imagination. He probably imagines them listening personally to his conversations with…whomever he conversed with, all those perfect calls, perfect speeches, perfect conversations.
BKiSA, he got his way on giving people free reign to discriminate against women through religion, that’s for sure. Oh, sure, if you have a religious belief, you can refuse to allow your plan to pay for contraception, no matter. My mother nearly died when I was 10 because her doctor had refused to tie her tubes or give her contraception after her 5th child because he was Catholic. The court had declared the right of women (married women at that time) to access these services. It was a Navy doctor, and their policy was to provide these services. He did not lose his job. She nearly lost her life, and that would have left 5 children (6 if the baby survived; both did in the end) motherless.
But now they are free to impose their religious beliefs onto people who are working for them in a capacity that has no need for women to be constantly pregnant. Short of surrogate mother, I can think of no occupations that benefit from female employees getting pregnant and being off work for however long they are able (based on leave policy), and birth control is cheaper by far than the cost of insuring a child. But even the pro-business Roberts decided that asshole employers should have the right to lay their non-Biblical, misogynistic, religious belief onto their employees.
It must especially gall him that Kavanaugh and Gorsuch ruled against him in the NY case.
Still, we won’t be seeing his returns anytime soon.
“I have done more than any President in history in first 3 1/2 years!” Done more what? Tweeting? Insulting? Hamburger eating? Lying? What.
Donnie needs to spontaneously decompose on some golf course or other. It’s high time.
So Obama and Biden got caught in a criminal conspiracy against him. Yeah, in his mind. He caught them, in his fevered imagination. He probably imagines them listening personally to his conversations with…whomever he conversed with, all those perfect calls, perfect speeches, perfect conversations.
Trouble is, his base believes all the bull.
The court showed him plenty of deference; he got his Muslim ban, didn’t he?
BKiSA, he got his way on giving people free reign to discriminate against women through religion, that’s for sure. Oh, sure, if you have a religious belief, you can refuse to allow your plan to pay for contraception, no matter. My mother nearly died when I was 10 because her doctor had refused to tie her tubes or give her contraception after her 5th child because he was Catholic. The court had declared the right of women (married women at that time) to access these services. It was a Navy doctor, and their policy was to provide these services. He did not lose his job. She nearly lost her life, and that would have left 5 children (6 if the baby survived; both did in the end) motherless.
But now they are free to impose their religious beliefs onto people who are working for them in a capacity that has no need for women to be constantly pregnant. Short of surrogate mother, I can think of no occupations that benefit from female employees getting pregnant and being off work for however long they are able (based on leave policy), and birth control is cheaper by far than the cost of insuring a child. But even the pro-business Roberts decided that asshole employers should have the right to lay their non-Biblical, misogynistic, religious belief onto their employees.
Fucking hell, is any of that supposed to make any sense?
Fucking hell, is any of that supposed to make any sense?
To his base, not us