Why aren’t radio shows asking what a man is?
Funny how that works.
Notice Beauchamp’s “come on, man” – no pause to ask what is a man, no worries about whether men think having a male body makes men “more legitimately” men – just the bare word itself, taken for granted, as usual, as it always will be.
If one didn’t know better, one might be tempted to think that the only reason “trans men” (i.e. biological women who prefer to be called “man”/”he”) are ever mentioned at all is to maintain some minimal appearance of consistency.
Also, as someone (relatively) recently suggested in the comments section of another post, the fact that TRA rage has almost exclusively been aimed at women probably has something to do with the fact that the latter are seen as easy targets who won’t fight back (or, even if they do fight back, lack the political power to do much about it) whereas pissing of the MRA mob will get the TRAs exposed to more of their own medicine than they ever bargained for.