Back outside the White House. Today the perimeter has been pushed back another half block. Federal law enforcement of some kind, but they won’t identify themselves, and all insignias and name plates have been removed.
twiliter, I saw that. Obama has class…a lot of it…and I suspect at some level Trump realizes both that Obama has class, and that Trump does not, and it eats at him. It eats at his gut, at his liver, at his heart, at his brain…
And Obama knows how to pick out a suit that fits, can deal with a receding hairline without a ridiculous combover, and can stand without sticking his butt out to hide his stomach (because Obama doesn’t have a beer gut, which Trump does even if it’s hamberders and not beer).
Back in the day, a feature of police riots during anti-war protests was the moment the ‘officers’ gathered to remove their badges. No visible ID was accepted policy.
From what I can gather the ones without insignia are very highly-trained federal prison officers from a specialist prison-riot control unit, the Bureau of Prisons Special Operations Response Team. (BoPSORT – as in ‘BOP! Sorted). Not the sort to be reticent about using maximum force.
Have to stop thinking of them as law enforcement. Just enforcement. Something more like the Schutzstaffel.
That’s a pretty thought. And it seems about right.
Here again, we have a message of hope from President Obama >>
How very different from our current illegitimate, stupid, antagonistic pseudo-president.
twiliter, I saw that. Obama has class…a lot of it…and I suspect at some level Trump realizes both that Obama has class, and that Trump does not, and it eats at him. It eats at his gut, at his liver, at his heart, at his brain…
And Obama knows how to pick out a suit that fits, can deal with a receding hairline without a ridiculous combover, and can stand without sticking his butt out to hide his stomach (because Obama doesn’t have a beer gut, which Trump does even if it’s hamberders and not beer).
Back in the day, a feature of police riots during anti-war protests was the moment the ‘officers’ gathered to remove their badges. No visible ID was accepted policy.
From what I can gather the ones without insignia are very highly-trained federal prison officers from a specialist prison-riot control unit, the Bureau of Prisons Special Operations Response Team. (BoPSORT – as in ‘BOP! Sorted). Not the sort to be reticent about using maximum force.