Which twin gets the backlash

I’ve been stalling on this one because I know it’s going to annoy me so intensely. Via guest, MK Fain’s exchange with Kaitlyn Tiffany while the latter was working on her “Radical Feminist Women Are Evil” piece for the Atlantic.

First of all, KT is deceptively polite for someone who’s going to talk the lying shit about Fain that she did talk. That’s what journalists do, but given the dishonesty and venom of KT’s article I think it’s unethical.

But what really gets up my nose is her insistence on how hateful the radical feminists are, given the vast quantity of revolting obscene misogynist garbage directed at gender critical women (and at opinionated women in general). I’ve never seen feminists say anything even close to the familiar “I hope your disgusting dried-up cunt bursts into flames you bitch cunt hag” singalong aimed at JK Rowling and the rest of us. I’m betting KT hasn’t either, since she didn’t mention having done so when MK asked.

For example:

K.Tiffany to M.K.Fain:

– I know we talked about this a little bit already, but how do you respond to Reddit banning r/GenderCritical for hate speech?

M.K.Fain to K.Tiffany:

3. I think Reddit banning r/GenderCritical for hate speech demonstrates that male-run, centralized, and proprietary platforms can not be trusted to have women’s best interest at heart, and that we must create our own solutions. It is also a symptom of wider misogyny in our society that women speaking up for their sex-based rights, the very rights our feminist foremothers fought for, is considered in any way “hateful”. This is made even more clear when compared to content that is allowed on Reddit, such as violent pornography.

Whoosh, went right past the recipient. She still portrays feminists as hateful and trans women as their victims.


— I just want to dig in a little bit more on the last question from my previous email. Speaking to a trans scholar on the topic, she pointed out that trans-exclusionary feminism is also feminism that wants to eliminate trans women by stopping surgeries and therapies and recognition of their identity, etc. I understand that you don’t consider this hateful, but was hoping you might be able to explain that a little bit more. I don’t want to mischaracterize your beliefs. 

It’s not “elimination” to fail to agree that a man is a woman if he says so. The man is still there. The man is still at liberty to think of himself as a woman. The man has no right to try to compel women to endorse his conception of himself, especially when it’s a personal fantasy as opposed to reality.


In my own recent experiences on Ovarit, I’ve seen quite a bit of what I would consider hate speech.

Interesting. Anything at all close to this sort of thing?

So that’s how that went.

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