Well if a game show host says so
Now Trump is just saying the CDC is lying about the pandemic to damage him.
He needs to be taken away and locked up.
President Donald Trump retweeted a tweet Monday morning which accused the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of lying about the coronavirus in order to obstruct his reelection.
The original tweet was written by Chuck Woolery, the original host of “Wheel of Fortune,” who is also a conservative.
I don’t know what “Wheel of Fortune” is, beyond “some game show or other.” Fabulous that the president is sharing the views of a game show Personality in order to persuade us that the CDC is lying about a pandemic.
The tweet reads: “The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19. Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust.
“I think it’s all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I’m sick of it.”
Ask the people on ventilators what they’re sick of. They won’t be able to answer, because they’re on ventilators, but ask them. Some will die while you’re asking them, but keep trying.
Chuck Woolery? LOL
I know this is the wrong audience for this, but can anyone help me understand this: the Deep State and Dems are colluding to tank the economy in order to discredit Trump and hurt his chances for reelection. Okay, how does that work, specifically. What’s the end game? If these nefarious actors win then what? An economy in ruins, a political system undermined and 135,000 people killed in furtherance of this. Really?
Cui bono?
Cannot wrap my head around this argument at all.
At this point, obstructing Trump’s re-election would constitute a vital part of the CDC’s mandate to protect the health of citizens of the United States of America. Trump is a walking, talking vector of disease. He’s going to be responsible for tens of thousands of more deaths between now and November as it is.
Trump and his cronies appear to care about little else than keeping him in office, so I might expect them to project that sort of nearsighted view on their political opponents. Only the election matters.
What, that’s not sufficient?
Okay. There’s also the pedophile rings and the death camps.
When an enemy is demonized, gotta do it right.
Richard Nixon had a list of his enemies that included many prominent Americans including the actor Paul Newman. I think it was Martha Graham (?) who said “to be on Nixon’s list is to stand with the Founding Fathers and the Constitution.”
To be mentioned in a hostile Trump tweet is much the same sort of honour.
Omar, you’re doing it wrong. It was Mark Twain. Or perhaps Churchill.
You give it too much credit calling it an “argument.” I think this whole idea is premised on two ideas, one older than the other. The more recent is that the blind hatred for Trump is so strong, so irrational that it doesn’t matter the cost to anyone, as long as he is stopped. The older thread of this “argument” is that Democrats and liberals hate America and want to see it fail, no matter the cost.
Both of these, it tuns out, are actually interesting bits of projection. Trump is only out for Trump, and sating his ego gratification, no matter the cost, is all that matters. Hating and hurting the “right” people is an end in itself, no matter the cost. Blind, slavish adherence to Trump’s whims is seen as good, loyal, and just (and might just save Congressional Republicans from being primaried). They seem to think that what’s good for Trump is good for America.
Also, the actual weakening and destruction of America that is actually happening through Trump being Trump and Russian interference is much greater than anything Deep State conspiracy theorists are positing. If the Deep State endgame is to weaken America, Trump’s already done that. It’s not the Deep State that has tanked America’s reputation amongst its allies. That’s on Trump. It’s not the Deep State that has crippled the response to COVID-19 and cost thousands and thousands of lives. That’s on Trump, too. Supposed “Deep State” opposition to Trump’s policies in these areas would have helped the United States, not hurt it, as Trump’s actions actually have.
AS s for liberals hating America, here’s something Al Franken wrote about those on the right, that I think pertains to this discussion:
From: Lies & the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair & Balanced Look at the Right
No, no, no, no, no! It was Albert Einstein! (Or was it Jesus? I keep forgetting.)
This. So much this. And they hate like kids on a gradeschool playground. “My daddy can beat up your daddy.” “My button is bigger than your button.”
Compared to a lot of other countries, America is the quintessence of a teenager, not all that long on the world stage. Problem is, we’re not even acting that old. We’re acting like a toddler.
Or perhaps Truman Capote.
Well, the current president was essentially a game show host, so it’s hardly surprising that he would look to his “peers” for advice. Though really, I wish he’d at least check with Alex Trebek, who I suspect would have some sensible Canadian perspective on things.
I cannot condone Ophelia’s plan to taunt people on ventilators.*
I believe the thinking is liberals see Trump as so evil they can justify doing almost anything to beat him. Also, they think, COVID-19 is mostly a hoax, and liberals are padding the death numbers like crazy. The people that think this way are often also sure that right after Trump loses the election COVID-19 will quickly vanish. The economy will come back quickly, and if it doesn’t, liberals will use that as an excuse to expand social programs (such as implementing universal basic income), so they win either way.
* This is a joke. I know Ophelia’s not seriously suggesting that. (Although if the people on ventilators have MAGA hats on, perhaps a little taunting would be OK.)
Skeletor, I think that’s basically right, but they also think that the liberals would think anyone was evil if they weren’t liberal. They think we are unreasonable about Trump, of course, but they also have a lot of projection. I know a lot of conservatives (living in a red state, growing up in a red family – no, I wasn’t a red-diaper baby, the other kind of red family). One thing I have learned is that they believe that any Democratic politician is illegitimate; the Democrats have no right to rule. Any time a Democrat wins, they think it is the country being led by someone who (1) is Constitutionally ineligible to rule; (2) is constitutionally (the person’s constitution this time) incapable of rule); (3) elected by illegal means; and (4) out to destroy them personally.
The Republicans have sold their souls to every possible devil for one reason: power. They want the power, they don’t really care how they get it. They assume the Democrats are the same way. They project their love of raw power onto us…and their love of money, so deep and abiding that any dollar not in their pocket is in the wrong place.
I used to think the Republicans wanted what was best for the country, but simply couldn’t see that their ideas were bad for the country. i don’t believe that any longer. I’ve talked to (and listened to) too many of them. I believe they want only what they perceive as best for them….power, money, white male privilege, and stepping on lesser beings.
They think we want the same things.
Now Woolery’s son has the virus, and he’s deleted his twitter account, the snowflake.