Ok so Trump is sticking to it. Let’s have a civil war, so that Trump can add that to his scrapbook.
"They wanna take their guns away … when you talk about 'liberate' or liberation, you can certainly look at Virginia as one" — Trump is unrepentant about his tweets basically calling for civil unrest in states with democratic governors pic.twitter.com/1y9PdGfzZb
“We don’t have the most in the world deaths. The most in the world has to be China. It is a massive country … they must have the most.”
(Consulting Worldometer and Johns Hopkins) US has EIGHT TIMES the number of deaths that China has. New York City has more deaths than China. Unless the Chinese are lying about this (which is certainly a possibility), America is number one with a virus.
I found out today that if the county north of me was a country, in percentage of cases it would be #6 in the world. My county is going up rapidly in number of cases. We are a Trump state. We are too tough to get COVID-19. So why are we getting COVID-19? Lincoln is doing better. Of course, Lincoln was on shutdown about two weeks before we were, and I don’t see a lot of sign that people here are staying home. Though how I would know that, I don’t know, since I am staying home.
The grocery store was somewhat better today, with people more likely to distance, but I got chewed out by one woman who was bearing down on me when I told her to remain six feet away, please. She said “I need to go down this aisle”, and proceeded to do so, because her need to go down that aisle four seconds earlier meant she had to pass within inches of me. Then she told me if I was that scared, to get someone else to do my grocery shopping. Doesn’t she realize not everyone has that option? And I wouldn’t send someone else out to have to deal with people like her, putting other people in danger to save my own precious self?
I had my own encounter today with someone who couldn’t wait a few seconds. My place of work is closed for business, but my boss asked if I could go in to get things organized for inventory. The store would remain closed, so I would’n’t be dealing with customers. I figured I mightalked there (to avoid transit). No problems. Got what I neede to get done. My boss popped by to see how I was getting along with inventory prep and to ask if I was doing okay with the government assistance program while we’re closed. Everything’s good. My moment of distress came on the walk home when a runner overtook me from behind, passing me at less than three feet. I’d not heard the young woman approaching, and she gave no warning either. After my initial shock, I yelled “TWO METERS!!” as she pulled away. Though she didn’t appear to be plugged into anything, she did not seem to notice, and did not acknowledge my presence or exclamation in any way. Just a little ways ahead of where she passed me, she turned off onto another street. She could have slowed down, kept her distance and waited without passing me at all, but did not. It kind of unnerved me. Probably nothing will comr of it, but still, one worries.
Ooops. Posted before I finished. I hate writing on touchscreens. Back on a proper keyboard.
Anyway, I thought with my boss’s request, I figured I might as well go ahead and do it. Doing something almost normal felt odd, but relaxing. I’d walked there without incident. Cranked up some tunes while I was working tIt felt good to get stuff done that would be helpful for my colleague doing inventory at the end of the month. Go me!
The federal Canada Emergency Response Benefit has been easy to apply for and shows up in our accountin just three days for each four week period applied for, so I was able to tell my boss that that’s been working out fine. He’s told me to keep track of the hours I’ve put into writing for our soon-to-be-launched blog, as well as for the time I put in today, and that we’d work out payment later so as to not interfere with my elegibility for benefits.Good on my boss, good on Mr. Trudeau’s government. I feel sorry for anyone not having the benefit of neither a concerned employer or a responsive government.
Now, with this whole stupid, unnecessary runner-passing-me incident, I’m going to have a bit of concern bubbling away on the back burner of my mind. After she overtook me, I could imagine the multispectral signature of her passage by me, the false colour infrared and the swirling, twisting shed aerosol cloud both roiling in the chaotic patterns of the displaced air movement marking her course beside and in front of me. Am I going to be like a plane caught in the wake turbulence of an aircraft that preceded me, with the difference that my potential crash might be a whole lot slower? Sometimes an imagination is a mixed blessing.
How can the 40% not see how incoherent Trump is? Forget dealing with a complex emergency in a rational, effective way. Dude can’t even put a sentence together with both hands.
(Consulting Worldometer and Johns Hopkins) US has EIGHT TIMES the number of deaths that China has. New York City has more deaths than China. Unless the Chinese are lying about this (which is certainly a possibility), America is number one with a virus.
I found out today that if the county north of me was a country, in percentage of cases it would be #6 in the world. My county is going up rapidly in number of cases. We are a Trump state. We are too tough to get COVID-19. So why are we getting COVID-19? Lincoln is doing better. Of course, Lincoln was on shutdown about two weeks before we were, and I don’t see a lot of sign that people here are staying home. Though how I would know that, I don’t know, since I am staying home.
The grocery store was somewhat better today, with people more likely to distance, but I got chewed out by one woman who was bearing down on me when I told her to remain six feet away, please. She said “I need to go down this aisle”, and proceeded to do so, because her need to go down that aisle four seconds earlier meant she had to pass within inches of me. Then she told me if I was that scared, to get someone else to do my grocery shopping. Doesn’t she realize not everyone has that option? And I wouldn’t send someone else out to have to deal with people like her, putting other people in danger to save my own precious self?
I had my own encounter today with someone who couldn’t wait a few seconds. My place of work is closed for business, but my boss asked if I could go in to get things organized for inventory. The store would remain closed, so I would’n’t be dealing with customers. I figured I mightalked there (to avoid transit). No problems. Got what I neede to get done. My boss popped by to see how I was getting along with inventory prep and to ask if I was doing okay with the government assistance program while we’re closed. Everything’s good. My moment of distress came on the walk home when a runner overtook me from behind, passing me at less than three feet. I’d not heard the young woman approaching, and she gave no warning either. After my initial shock, I yelled “TWO METERS!!” as she pulled away. Though she didn’t appear to be plugged into anything, she did not seem to notice, and did not acknowledge my presence or exclamation in any way. Just a little ways ahead of where she passed me, she turned off onto another street. She could have slowed down, kept her distance and waited without passing me at all, but did not. It kind of unnerved me. Probably nothing will comr of it, but still, one worries.
Ooops. Posted before I finished. I hate writing on touchscreens. Back on a proper keyboard.
Anyway, I thought with my boss’s request, I figured I might as well go ahead and do it. Doing something almost normal felt odd, but relaxing. I’d walked there without incident. Cranked up some tunes while I was working tIt felt good to get stuff done that would be helpful for my colleague doing inventory at the end of the month. Go me!
The federal Canada Emergency Response Benefit has been easy to apply for and shows up in our accountin just three days for each four week period applied for, so I was able to tell my boss that that’s been working out fine. He’s told me to keep track of the hours I’ve put into writing for our soon-to-be-launched blog, as well as for the time I put in today, and that we’d work out payment later so as to not interfere with my elegibility for benefits.Good on my boss, good on Mr. Trudeau’s government. I feel sorry for anyone not having the benefit of neither a concerned employer or a responsive government.
Now, with this whole stupid, unnecessary runner-passing-me incident, I’m going to have a bit of concern bubbling away on the back burner of my mind. After she overtook me, I could imagine the multispectral signature of her passage by me, the false colour infrared and the swirling, twisting shed aerosol cloud both roiling in the chaotic patterns of the displaced air movement marking her course beside and in front of me. Am I going to be like a plane caught in the wake turbulence of an aircraft that preceded me, with the difference that my potential crash might be a whole lot slower? Sometimes an imagination is a mixed blessing.
How can the 40% not see how incoherent Trump is? Forget dealing with a complex emergency in a rational, effective way. Dude can’t even put a sentence together with both hands.