Too much reaching out

So now The Body Shop is telling us what to think – and in fact telling us to think lies are truth. The Body Shop, for god’s sake. Hey has anybody asked Pizza Hut what it thinks?

we stand with ALL menstruators.

What for? And how? What do they do, summon all menstruators so that they can stand with them? What if the menstruators would rather sit, or run, or not be anywhere near The Body Shop?

But then the serene confident way they tell a woman that men menstruate.

People have periods – women, men and non-binary people.

They don’t though. Men don’t have periods. Commercial enterprises that sell lotion or shoes or chainsaws or dog food don’t get to tell us that men menstruate any more than they get to tell us that Donald Trump is a decent thoughtful compassionate man.

And then blah blah blah – it’s Pride month, conversations, educate ourselves, be inclusive, stand together (what is all this standing?). It’s a product, not an ideology. And men are not women.

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