Here’s the bit where he starts babbling about his uncle and about him him him him him. He’s there to talk about a disease outbreak and instead he talks about his alternative career.
How much of this are we going to allow? “I like this stuff! You know my uncle was a great person. He was over at MIT for like a record number of years. He was like a super genius. Dr.John Trump. I have a natural ability for this stuff” It’s time #Trump is INSANE.
I am sure he would try modesty, if he knew what that word meant, and there was something in it for him.
It adds a new dimension though, to the White House story. Abe Lincoln went from a log cabin to it. Trump on the other hand used his inherited wealth to install himself as a log in it.
In a moment that some commentators have called one of the most “disturbing” and “frightening” remarks of Trump’s response to the public health crisis, the president also said he would prefer that cruise ship passengers exposed to the virus be left aboard so that they don’t add to the number of total infections in the US.
“I like the numbers being where they are,” said Trump, who appeared to be explicitly acknowledging his political concerns about the outbreak: “I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault.”
I am in fact, distantly related to Ralph Waldo Emerson, but I don’t claim to be a Transcendentalist or even have a knack for it. So much for genetic predisposition! Coat-tailing, however, is all too common, and none too admirable. A bachelor’s in economics doesn’t go very far toward being educated about infectious disease, dude, no matter who your uncle is.
I am sure he would try modesty, if he knew what that word meant
Well, he did once have an attempt at humility which went….not too well.
It was during an interview that him and Pence gave during the run-up to the 2016 election.* The interviewer told Trump that a lot of respondents to a survey didn’t see him as being humble, and asked Trump to respond. In true Trump style his reply was “Oh, I’m humble, I’m the most humble person. Nobody is more humble than Donald Trump!”
The look on Pence’s face was priceless.
* Christ! Has it really been four years? It seems like it was both yesterday and a lifetime ago.
My advice to all US legislators, that I got out of some picture book when I was in kindergarten: If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
So, if at first they won’t impeach, try, try again.
But as for “oh, I’m humble, I’m the most humble person. Nobody is more humble than Donald Trump!”
He is like Uriah Heep out of ‘David Copperfield’ by Dickens.
Come to think of it, ‘Uriah Trump’ has got a nice ring to it.
HumbleTrump is even better.
There was a ’60s rock group called The Humblebums. Maybe a band could start up called the Trumplebums,, or perhaps the HumbleTrumps. Could really take off. In no time, bigger than the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. Never off the front page.
But then again, there’s always a down side. Trump would probably want at least a slice of the action. Or to bang the drums; just like any other kid.. Maybe lead vocalist, always in the spotlight up front….
I watched the clip a couple times. When the camera pulls back there’s a man with a red tie on the far right. Watch his face. He’s trying to hold it perfectly still, but the mask keeps slipping. It’s subtle, but I thought it hilarious.
Perhaps I should know who it is — might be someone important — but either way it’s pretty good.
Probably because the electors of the Electoral College do not want the country to be overgeniused, which I guess can be a perilous situation, akin to overloading a ship. If a few of the freight containers full of genius were to shift during one of the intellectual storms or cyclones up ahead, the whole vessel could capsize, and the captain’s arse would finish up up pointing skywards.
That would be undignified, and the exact opposite of the present situation.
I am sure he would try modesty, if he knew what that word meant, and there was something in it for him.
It adds a new dimension though, to the White House story. Abe Lincoln went from a log cabin to it. Trump on the other hand used his inherited wealth to install himself as a log in it.
His uncle was an engineer.
My father was an organic chemist, but I have no particular insight into the virus.
My uncle was in real estate, but that doesn’t mean I can claim to understand Trump speak.
I am in fact, distantly related to Ralph Waldo Emerson, but I don’t claim to be a Transcendentalist or even have a knack for it. So much for genetic predisposition! Coat-tailing, however, is all too common, and none too admirable. A bachelor’s in economics doesn’t go very far toward being educated about infectious disease, dude, no matter who your uncle is.
Was Trump’s uncle Wile E. Coyote?
Omar, #1:
Well, he did once have an attempt at humility which went….not too well.
It was during an interview that him and Pence gave during the run-up to the 2016 election.* The interviewer told Trump that a lot of respondents to a survey didn’t see him as being humble, and asked Trump to respond. In true Trump style his reply was “Oh, I’m humble, I’m the most humble person. Nobody is more humble than Donald Trump!”
The look on Pence’s face was priceless.
* Christ! Has it really been four years? It seems like it was both yesterday and a lifetime ago.
My advice to all US legislators, that I got out of some picture book when I was in kindergarten: If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
So, if at first they won’t impeach, try, try again.
But as for “oh, I’m humble, I’m the most humble person. Nobody is more humble than Donald Trump!”
He is like Uriah Heep out of ‘David Copperfield’ by Dickens.
Come to think of it, ‘Uriah Trump’ has got a nice ring to it.
HumbleTrump is even better.
There was a ’60s rock group called The Humblebums. Maybe a band could start up called the Trumplebums,, or perhaps the HumbleTrumps. Could really take off. In no time, bigger than the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. Never off the front page.
But then again, there’s always a down side. Trump would probably want at least a slice of the action. Or to bang the drums; just like any other kid.. Maybe lead vocalist, always in the spotlight up front….
Ah well. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
I watched the clip a couple times. When the camera pulls back there’s a man with a red tie on the far right. Watch his face. He’s trying to hold it perfectly still, but the mask keeps slipping. It’s subtle, but I thought it hilarious.
Perhaps I should know who it is — might be someone important — but either way it’s pretty good.
twiliter @ 5 – how about drumming though?
I’ll have to defer to Dave Grohl about that, a true expert. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Why has the US elected the nephew of a Super Genius? You should have been going for the children of the Super Genius instead!
Probably because the electors of the Electoral College do not want the country to be overgeniused, which I guess can be a perilous situation, akin to overloading a ship. If a few of the freight containers full of genius were to shift during one of the intellectual storms or cyclones up ahead, the whole vessel could capsize, and the captain’s arse would finish up up pointing skywards.
That would be undignified, and the exact opposite of the present situation.