The National Organization for People
The National Organization for Women doesn’t know what a woman is.
Transphobia is a feminist issue. Equal means equal. That includes equality for all women, not just a certain type of woman.Read more about #LGBTQIARights and our other core issues at
No, transphobia is not a feminist issue. Misogyny is a feminist issue, but transphobia is not. Yes, equal means equal, but feminism is still about equality for women and girls, not women and girls plus men and boys who say they are women and girls. Women are allowed to have our own campaign groups just as other people are. We don’t have to “share” any more than other groups do. We don’t have to change the subject to other people, because we get to talk about our own rights and struggles and needs, even though we’re women.

No and no. None of that is true.
There are two thousand comments on that post. They have a new one today, saying how terrible the dissenting comments on the December 4 post are.

Why did they express solidarity and support for their friends in the LGBTQIA+ community, in particular their transgender friends? Why not in particular their lesbian friends? Why does the National Organization for WOMEN pick out transgender people instead of women for their particular solidarity and support? Why are they changing the subject when they still call themselves the National Organization for WOMEN? Why do they not recoil from the very idea of doing this “think of everyone but yourselves” routine that women always get and men never do?
It’s enraging.
Why do they feel the need to fight for gays, either? Some gays are feminist allies, some are as misogynist as their hetero brothers. Some will argue against improving the lives of woman and girls, wanting to maintain their male privilege.
Time to either stick to their knitting, or rebadge as the National Organisation for LGBTQIA+ and women can fuck right off.
Looks like they’ve already been captured.
WHEREAS, LGBTQIA+ rights are one of the National Organization for Women’s (NOW) six core issues; and
WHEREAS, transgender people are being erased from acknowledgment of the government; and
WHEREAS, the LGBTQIA+ community has had difficulties being included on the agenda of NOW;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that at least 15 percent of the issue-focused workshops at NOW conferences will be LGBTQIA+ focused with at least one of those workshops addressing transgender issues;
and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, conference workshops not specifically focused onLGBTQIA+ issues must include an LGBTQIA+ lens.
Guess it’s time for me to end my membership in NOW. If they aren’t for women anymore, let them get all their support from LGBTQI+.
That last one – wow. Even when not focused on LGBTQIA+ – must include a “lens”. In short, everything is about LGBTQIA+ (and we know, of course, that they don’t really give a shit about the LGBQIA, especially the L – it’s all about the T); nothing is about women.
Am I mistaken in thinking that the forenames of the president and vice-president, Christian and Bear, are typically male names? I suppose Bear might be ambiguous but I don’t recall ever hearing of women with either of those names.
Bear Atwood is a woman. Her profile is available on Google. Apparently with pronouns they and their.
AoS, you are mistaken. I thought the same, did a DDD search and both are natal women. Although neither of them seems to be much in favour of supporting women.
I’m so tired of this delusional behavior and alphabet soup. I’m just going to start referring to my cats as “my camelids”, call myself “Bear”, and eat nothing but chick peas three times a day while screaming about “LGBTQIA+ issues” to zebras on the Animal Planet channel.
LGB have been beaten up, tortured, gaslit, and kicked out of what was originally their own movement. When LGB seeks a divorce, the TQIAA+ abusive spouse screams, shouts, stamps its feet, and threatens violence. They won’t let their punching bags go.
The inclusion of asexuals is bloody insulting. Asexuals don’t need a movement (they’ve got the same rights as whatever class they’re a part of); they need a dating app.
A real woman, like you and my wife, for example, is not “just a certain type of woman”! Real women are the great majority, even if we accept that men pretending to be women are women. Even if we do accept that, a trans-women could be called “a certain type of woman”.
Not-women are not a type of woman ffs.
I might think of myself as a giraffe. But if the Giraffes Liberation Front won’t have me as a member, then that’s their loss. I’m out of it. If push comes to shove, I will start my own organisation.
Men who wish they were women should form their own Men Wo Wish They Were Women (MWWTWW) outfit insteadof trying to muscle in on the turf of women and others who are happy to be what they are.. Otherwise, they qualify themselves qualifies them biologically as just another kind of parasite..
I agree that transphobia is a feminist issue, and that we need to have a national conversation about it. But every time women try to do that, radical trans activists, who are mostly men, bully, threaten, persecute, and silence them.
Transphobia is a feminist issue because the allegation of transphobia has become an excuse to remove sex-based rights from women, prevent women from associating with each other based on sex, take influence and positions away from women and give them to men, and prevent women from speaking in public about matters of concern to them.
The shibboleth transphobia has become helps perpetuate the patriarchal ideology that oppresses women because trans ideology and radical trans activists are part of the same old phallocracy, this time in a cute skirt, with a duck face.
About the Christian and Bear issue – I looked that up as soon as I stopped swearing at the whole thing (and before I started this post) to make sure. Both women. No doubt they’ll soon replace themselves with trans women.
Is this a social justice movement, or did someone just drop the scrabble?
Worth repeating.
Maybe it’s the latest book from IKEA.
My Holy Grail in Scrabble is to reach two triple-word scores with one word. 9 x the point value plus 50 points. LGBTQIAA could net 320 points (with the Q on the double-letter space).
That would be an achievement, WaM, but even more impressive would be a convincing pronunciation of the word.k
The ‘k’ is rogue, by the way. It’s just attention-seeking.
It’s pronounced just like it’s spelled. (But it sounds better in the original Klingon.)
Excellent answer, WaM.
On an unrelated note, does anybody have tips on removing strong, black coffee stains from a white shirt?
AoS @ # 22: Turps. metho, paint stripper (acetone). If none of them work, get a bottle of black dye and go with the flow.
Hope this helps.
Or maybe avoid the problem altogether by putting the mug down before reading the comments.
OK, I confess: maybe my previous two comments weren’t quite as unrelated as I claimed :-)