And now filthy Barr’s filthy Justice Department has dropped the charges against filthy Michael Flynn, who confessed to them twice.
Breaking News: The Justice Department is dropping charges against the former Trump aide Michael Flynn, a stark reversal for a defendant who has pleaded guilty twice.
Justice Department drops Flynn case, arguing that the interview in which by his own admission he lied should never have been conducted in the first place. The decision comes after enormous pressure from Trump to exonerate his former security adviser.
I’m not going to hold my breath for this, but AFAIK all Barr can do is recommend the charges be dropped to the judge. “Leave of court” is required from the judge. Or, in other terms, the DOJ can make a motion to dismiss the charges. Judge Sullivan can refuse that motion. Judge Sullivan has already displayed evidence of being deeply disgusted and pissed off by Flynn’s treason.
While Mueller’s prosecutors had argued Flynn’s decades of military service warranted a lenient sentence for the three-star general even after he had admitted lying to the FBI, it was Sullivan who, gesturing to the American flag beside him, accused Flynn of selling his country out. Minutes later, he ponderously asked the government’s lawyers whether they had ever considered charging Flynn with treason. (No, they later answered.)
“Arguably,” Sullivan said, describing how Flynn had secretly been working for the Turkish government before he joined the White House, “that undermines everything this flag over here stands for.”
Is Judge Emmett Sullivan going to fold his tent and give up? I’ve still got hope he won’t.
Ya I watched a few minutes of Neal Katyal talking to Nicolle Wallace and he was saying that – the judge will very likely do an inquiry and he’s done it before (or maybe it was another judge).
I’m not going to hold my breath for this, but AFAIK all Barr can do is recommend the charges be dropped to the judge. “Leave of court” is required from the judge. Or, in other terms, the DOJ can make a motion to dismiss the charges. Judge Sullivan can refuse that motion. Judge Sullivan has already displayed evidence of being deeply disgusted and pissed off by Flynn’s treason.
Is Judge Emmett Sullivan going to fold his tent and give up? I’ve still got hope he won’t.
Ya I watched a few minutes of Neal Katyal talking to Nicolle Wallace and he was saying that – the judge will very likely do an inquiry and he’s done it before (or maybe it was another judge).
In fairness to Flynn, his work for Turkey might be criminal, but how is it treasonous? He is not waging war against the US, nor is Turkey an enemy.