She said nothing
The organizer did indeed make heavy weather of that, and did make it sound as if Todd had done something sly or unreasonable by not replying.
They didn’t even thank her. Even when she pointed out they hadn’t thanked her, they didn’t thank her. It’s all so shitty.
You know who else takes help and services and support and scutwork for granted? When it’s women giving it?
Yup, you do.
But then at the event they treated that compromise as a generous kind all anyone could expect move.
This shit rots people’s brains.
Creative Scotland, the equivalent of the Arts Council, funds libraries and are of course dependent on the Scottish Government.
If they were a UK organisation they would take pride in being agin the government and establishment, but thiis being Scotland being a government-echo is somehow progressive and daring.
“When is a women’s library not a women’s library? When the wrong sort of women try to use it. That seems to be the problem with Glasgow Women’s Library (GWL) which accepted then cancelled a booking from a feminist group, which it now claims does not meet its ‘values’. What kind of feminist organisation wouldn’t meet the values of a women’s library? You can probably guess where this is going. For Women Scotland isn’t just any feminist group; it’s a Bad Feminist group, one of those feminist groups that says women share a sex, not a ‘gender identity’, and questions proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act to abandon medically-supported gender transition in favour of self-identification.”
“GWL says For Women does not align with its values, but does GWL align with its own values, as set out in its ‘Our Values’ statement? When it claims to ‘provide a safe welcoming space where women can access information’, does that not include gender-critical women and information about their sex-based rights and the potential impact of proposed legislation? When it claims to help women ‘find their voice’, does that not include voices that carry the wrong opinions? When it claims to help women ‘take control of their lives and achieve their potential’, does that not include women concerned about the laws that govern them and who aspire to participate in an ongoing national debate?”