Pups, Furries & Kinksters
Is your Pride event inclusive of furries? Well IS it?
Is that what the + means? Furries? What the survey calls “kink and fetish”?
I’m not seeing the connection, myself. I mean yeah, I get that it can all be filed under “not what Mr and Mrs Normal get up to in bed,” but I would think a lot of lesbians and gay men don’t particularly want to be filed that way, on account of how it’s not all there is to it.
Oh I dunno, I don’t really see any meaningful difference between furries and transwomen. It’s logically consistent.
Yes, sort of, which I suppose is why I limited my analogy to the LG part. See also the LGB Alliance.
One of the replies to the tweet said “I think you’re really harming gays and lesbians by including kinks, we should accept sexuality not fetishes.” Yeah, that. And note that this reply didn’t mention the trans part.
I like this greater inclusiveness. It means that ultimately, we all belong to the LBTQI+ group, so there will no longer be any differences between any of the letters of the alphabet, although since we only have 26 letters, we may also need to include other alphabets to compete with the white patriarchial alphabet we are saddled with.
At least I *think* that’s what their goal is.
Yeah, it’s all the same to me: T, furries, Otherkin, you name it. Believe in one and you have to believe in them all, or else you are being a ‘phobe, amirite.
Pups? Do I want to know?
It’s going to reach the point where vanilla hetero sex will be regarded as so outlandish it will become eligible as a kink. That or be regarded as beyond the pale .
Also, do most LGB people really want to be regarded as a kink, rather than a sexual preference? I mean furries are just a kind of ridiculous and as far as I’m aware harmless kink. But there are plenty of kinks that are arguably not harmless even between consenting adults and many that are not only harmful but illegal. Again, do LGB people want to be defined as a kink?
And of course, there’s a whole ‘furry’ subculture who dress up in Nazi drag.
Well we had a few furries out the other evening but they all got shot by the local good ole boys who claimed they were vermin, rats an’ such, an’ you don’t need no license to go varmint shootin’ deppity!!