Perhaps must be understood as
The rest of that conversation:
Now, with regard to 1., abstracts normally undergo (blind) peer-review. They would never have made such an egregious error. This explanation is ridiculous. It is more likely that transactivists demanded the de-platforming of Prof. Stock, once her name appeared on the programme.
— Miroslav Imbrisevic (@Miroandrej) December 10, 2020
I have also tweeted at the German Minister for Education, the Berlin Senator for Education, and three journalists who cover higher education for the top German papers.
— Miroslav Imbrisevic (@Miroandrej) December 10, 2020
I have always been proud of my German education, at school and at university. What the ZASBerlin is doing is contrary to the spirit of Humboldt.
— Miroslav Imbrisevic (@Miroandrej) December 10, 2020
Crowing about the deplatforming.
As an anime aficionado, I must say that I find the extensive use by the trans cult of chibi avatars and anime fan lingo (e.g., waifu) infinitely grating. It was barely tolerable to begin with.