“In the backdrop”
Oh dear, we’re unacceptable.
In the past weeks there has been an unacceptable upsurge in Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF) and transphobic talking points as well as false narratives being expressed within Irish media.
Unacceptable. I guess that means we should be locked up and deprived of all means of communication?
This is happening while the trans community is currently facing massive disruption in the implementation of healthcare reforms, including the potential collapse of healthcare for trans children and teenagers.
It’s not healthcare though. It’s destructive quackery. Women saying that one’s sex can’t be taken off the way one takes off a jacket does not cause the collapse of actual healthcare – the medical kind – for anyone, including children and teenagers who say they are trans.
Meanwhile, a recently successful case in the UK Supreme Court has had terrible consequences for the delivery of healthcare for trans people under the age of 18.
Again – it’s not healthcare.
In the backdrop to all this is an increased online harassment campaign from a handful of Irish TERFs, many of whom have a history of living in Britain, with important sounding Twitter accounts. The list of their Twitter followers is stuffed with transphobes from the UK who are systematically targeting womens’ rights organisations in Ireland for their use of trans-inclusive language and for supporting transgender rights.
The person who wrote this sludge is barely literate, in addition to being a dishonest polemicist. And yet, a department of University College Dublin thinks the piece is good enough to promote.
How very dare they have a history of living in Britain, the absolute bastards!!!
Things to push in 2021:
1. The truth that what the trans cult wants is not healthcare, it is free cosmetic surgery and drugs.
2. That a person who has had their government pity them enough to give them documents that list them as the sex they are not is simply a legal fiction that should be binding on nobody to accept.
3. That males who claim to be women keep their male genitalia in the original configuration 80-90% of the time.
Which makes the men who also claim to be “lesbians” simply full intact men who are sexually aroused by real women and that is a big reason they need to be kept out of spaces meant for women.
4. That real women have always been told to “suck it up, buttercup” when it comes to having our feelings hurt or being offended so why should one group that claims to be women be treated differently?
5. Trans suicide rates and risk of murder/assault in Western countries is vastly over-estimated in order to push their agenda. The fact that men who claim to be women commit crimes at the same rates as all other men needs to be brought up — if the trans cult does not like it, make them prove it is not true.
2021 needs to be the year those of us who respect reality go big. No more trying to be “nice” because we can all see now where that has gotten us.
Welcome to politics, you delicate flowers; is this the first time you’ve received pushback?
My thoughts exactly. That stuck out.
TERFism: the British Disease.
What makes a Twitter account “important sounding”? Was this a weird attempt to say “blue checkmark”?
Bloody Irish TRAs and their Anglophobia..
Thanks for linking to this. Read slantwise, it gives me hope.
What an odd piece of work is this “Lilith.”
“A history of living in Britain” – like Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, Sean O’Casey, W B Yeats and a list of less distinguished Irish, the most notable of later years being Terry Wogan (much loved here) and Graham Norton (loved by everyone except me). Oh, Edna O’Brien as well. For historical and geographical reasons, the Irish have lived in Britain.
Except Samuel Beckett. He preferred France.
I could make the snarky point that a lot of the talented Irish eg James Joyce and Samuel Beckett as well as those in the list above, have not lived in Ireland, because it was such a censorious, narrow-minded, priest-ridden hellhole. I suppose some other piece of theocracy had to fill the Roman Catholic vacancy.
The Keira Bell judgment wasn’t from the Supreme Court. It was from the High Court – a couple of steps down from the SC. The people who write these pieces give the impression that they’re so hyped up on outrage that they don’t even bother with rudimentary homework.
Look at post #2. Remind you of anything?
IGLYO is a TERF organization.