He should not speak to the nation because he had nothing to say
With all that’s going on, Trump has stayed locked in with his Twitter. Not for him the address to the nation filled with compassion and a sense of justice.
That was by design. Trump and some of his advisers calculated that he should not speak to the nation because he had nothing to say, according to a senior administration official. He had no tangible policy or action to announce, nor did he feel an urgent motivation to try to bring people together. So he stayed silent.
It’s nice to know that he specifically did not feel like trying to bring people together, so decided to rage at us on Twitter instead.
The United States is visibly, painfully broken by the unprecedented confluence of health, economic and social crises, any one of which alone would test a president. It was extraordinary then to hear some in the public arena suggest Sunday that this president ought stay in the background, arguing that Trump lacked the moral authority and credibility necessary to heal the country.
Extraordinary but not extraordinary. Of course he lacks the moral authority to heal the country. All he has is hatred and rage and contempt and yet more rage. That’s it. He hates everything that’s not force and domination and cruelty.
It is an open question, too, whether Trump aspires to unite. There is ample evidence that he does not, as he built a political strategy around pitting groups against one another and declaring winners and losers.
In other words it’s not an open question; it’s all too obvious that constant war is all he aspires to, with him holding all the cards and punishing people at will.
“The rioting in the streets has put an exclamation point on what this president cannot do: To bring people around and say we are all in this together,” said Tom Rath, a longtime Republican official and former attorney general in New Hampshire. “On his automatic transmission, there is one speed. It is not conciliate. It is not comfort. It is not forge consensus. It is attack. And the frustration right now is that nobody is in charge. Anarchy rules.”
That’s exactly right. Attack is all he knows. It’s as if some acid has eaten away the rest of his brain and only the bit that wants to fight (but safely, from behind Twitter and those vicious dogs) is left.
Trump’s record of racially insensitive and sometimes outright racist comments over the years has led many Democrats and even some Republicans to conclude that he does not fully comprehend the nation’s history of racism and the corresponding tensions that live on today.
Ya think??? Of course he doesn’t; he doesn’t have the faintest clue, and doesn’t give a rat’s ass that he doesn’t. He’s a vulgar brainless sack of effluent and he fully comprehends nothing.
David Greenberg, a history professor at Rutgers University, said past presidents at moments of national crisis, whether George W. Bush after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks or Bill Clinton after the Oklahoma City bombing, have instinctively shifted their message and tactics in an effort to heal.
“Most presidents have found a way to rise to the occasion, even if it meant swallowing hard and suppressing some of their own anger and frustration,” Greenberg said. “There’s no mystery that Trump is not sticking to the normal presidential script here.”

How would Trump have responded to the Emanuel AME Church shooting? Hint: way worse than Obama.
Above the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi in ancient times was said to be the inscription ‘Know Thyself.’ An excellent recommendation for all, but especially for politicians and aspirant leaders. But here’s the catch: the very last thing a megalomaniac like say, Donald Trump seeks in life is insight into himself. This is probably down to fear. It could be entry to a chamber of horrors. Far more easy to concentrate on looking for issues concerning others, with fervent abuse of any who oppose him, disagree with him, or cross him.
A cabbage probably has more insight into itself than has Trump.