Fake news
The Guardian shares the front page of the Trump website:

I want to say just this one thing.
Why would anyone want to do that? Why would anyone want an image of self with a different and better body? A fake image like that just underlines what a soft flabby weak puffy unhealthy body Donnie Two Scoops has.
That’s the one thing. Never mind that like hell he has – that one’s too obvious.
Sorry to Godwin right out of the gate, but maybe this is Trump’s version of the “Hitler in armour” painting by Lanzinger, called “The Standard Bearer.”
I wonder how many people at the time noted out loud how few of the Nazi leadership were actually anywhere near the “Aryan” ideal they themselves promoted?
Trump likes to pretend he’s fit and robust, but I don’t know how many fall for it. It’s been said that “Trump is a dumb man’s idea of a smart man, a poor man’s idea of a rich man, and a weak man’s idea of a strong man.” Maybe he’s an out of shape man’s idea of a fit man. “LOOKIT ALL THE GOLFING!” After all, his former personal physician (not the COVID guy at Walter Reed) told everyone (at Trump’s insistence) that “If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.” * That lets the underthinking, overweight schlubs who support him feel better about themselves, so they’re not going to argue the fact.
*It drives me nuts that Trump can get doctors to sign off on, and promote, his bullshit superman narrative. I wish more people would exercise the power of “No.” Sure, he’d just find another doctor to do it for him, but it’s appalling how many people will readily stoop to his level and do his bidding. All the more surprising given that everything Trump touches turns to shit, including the people who work for him. Do they really think that their service to the Trump regime is going to be a mark in their favour in their resumes?
I just think Godwin’s law is entirely out of play for the Trump regime. Trump has way too much in common with Hitler for it to be workable. Just like Hitler, Trump is a contemptible, talentless, trivial human being, and just as with Hitler, none of that prevents him from doing harm on a massive scale. I think it’s advisable to keep Hitler in mind when thinking about Trump, to remind ourselves that it doesn’t take any kind of genius to be a mass-murderer.
Normally I wouldn’t quote myself, but I just came across this:
not Bruce, that sounds to me that their sole concern is the potential loss of reputation if Trump loses the election rather than for working for him in the first place. They just don’t like the idea of being connected with the losing side – enabling and assisting Trump in wrecking the country doesn’t factor into their thinking one iota.
AoS: good point.
They knew exactly who they were going to work for when they took their jobs, and considering the high turnover of staff most of them will have begun working there well into his presidency so they can’t claim not to have known what an absolute shambles they were going into. They didn’t think their reputations were in jeopardy when they thought they were joining an administration with every chance of gaining a second term, at the end of which they could leave with heads held high, but shit happens!
I’m reminded of the reports of Germans hastily burning their Party membership cards, but only after it became obvious how the war was going to end. One day they’d have gleefully reported their grannies for insulting Hitler, the next they were saying ‘Adolf who?’ while choosing new names and planning moves to places where nobody knew them.
I believe it was a common joke in the Third Reich:
An aryan is tall like Goebbels, blond like Hitler, athletic like Goering.