Ensuring women’s voices are heard
There was a Women’s Party UK event today at University College London aka UCL.
There were also people protesting the event – not godbothering fanatics who think their god ordained that women should be subordinate and submissive, but genderbothering fanatics who think women should shut up and let men who say they are women do all the talking.
It seems only yesterday that women were allowed to meet and talk and organize around women’s rights and women’s concerns without others on the left protesting this suspicious activity.
Sweet summer child there on the right – no, trans lib is not women’s lib. It’s really not. Trans lib is women’s silencing.
It may be factually correct but There’s no cis in team makes no sense whatsoever.
Damn, they’ve got us now. There’s no cis in women’s cycling. There’s no cis in menstrual products. There’s no cis in pregnancy. There’s no cis in women’s bathroom… it just goes on!
There is a cis in exercise, so does that mean we can segregate women’s gyms?
There is also cis in incisor. To bite, or not to bite?
I say bite.
There’s cis in ventriculocisternostomy, scinticisternography, hyperadrenocorticism, hypoadrenocorticism, etc; when are they going to protest outside hospitals?