Jerome Adams, U.S. Surgeon General, tells black people, Latinos and other ppl of color to avoid alcohol and drugs and adds: "Do it for your abuela, do it for your grandaddy, do it for your Big Mama, do it for your pop pop."
Context: Many found this language highly offensive.
Jerome Adams is black, so aside from “abuela”, which doesn’t seem that bad, I don’t think the rest would typically be considered offensive? You generally don’t get in trouble for using racial language associated with the race you are.
Also, Skeletor – you never responded to the many replies to your comments on the press briefing Sunday, when you were so sure Aaron Rupar had disgracefully misrepresented what Trump said.
I do wish you would stop doing that – picking a fight and then never returning. It’s not a law or anything but there’s a kind of etiquette, at least here, that considers it bad form to throw bombs and then walk away, only to do it again on a different post a day or two later. If you’re going to comment, participate. Shorter: it’s rude to ignore replies; please stop.
Have any of the other officials at these press rallies seen fit to turn their moment at the podium into a “Just say no to drugs,” PSA targeted at white people? Has the Surgeon General told Trump to lay off the Adderall, or whatever it is he’s zonked out on? Seems the “President” himself has been saying “Go ahead and try it, whaddya got to lose?” about untested, unproven pharmaceuticals. Bit of a mixed message I’d say.
Jerome Adams is black, so aside from “abuela”, which doesn’t seem that bad, I don’t think the rest would typically be considered offensive? You generally don’t get in trouble for using racial language associated with the race you are.
Fine, you explain that to Joy Reid and Yamiche Alcindor.
I’d be happy if he could get Trump from using Twitter.
Also, Skeletor – you never responded to the many replies to your comments on the press briefing Sunday, when you were so sure Aaron Rupar had disgracefully misrepresented what Trump said.
I do wish you would stop doing that – picking a fight and then never returning. It’s not a law or anything but there’s a kind of etiquette, at least here, that considers it bad form to throw bombs and then walk away, only to do it again on a different post a day or two later. If you’re going to comment, participate. Shorter: it’s rude to ignore replies; please stop.
I bet they’re falling all over themselves with pride that they managed not to say ‘Mammy.’
Have any of the other officials at these press rallies seen fit to turn their moment at the podium into a “Just say no to drugs,” PSA targeted at white people? Has the Surgeon General told Trump to lay off the Adderall, or whatever it is he’s zonked out on? Seems the “President” himself has been saying “Go ahead and try it, whaddya got to lose?” about untested, unproven pharmaceuticals. Bit of a mixed message I’d say.