Born in the wrong underpants
An “activist” called Benjamin Butterworth was on the tv yesterday saying how terrible JK Rowling is. He has an interesting history.
On Tuesday 17th September The Times published a story about parents who are raising their child as ‘gender neutral’.
September 2019 that is.
Hobbit Humphrey and Jake England-Johns are keeping the sex of their 17-month-old child a secret, even from their own family. They refer to the toddler by the pronoun “they” and plan to allow them to choose their own gender.
Journalists Sonia Poulton and Benjamin Butterworth discussed this story on Sky News. They talked about the projection of harmful gender stereotypes onto children and the conflation of sex and gender before turning to the idea that one can be born in the wrong body.
BUTTERWORTH: Of course some people are born in the wrong body.
POULTON: No, no. I have to take complete issue with that. That is a really dangerous statement.
Butterworth continued to defend the absurd claim that one can be born in the “wrong” body (so many slapstick cartoons suggest themselves).
Butterworth is at least consistent – he “identified as” black for awhile – at least long enough to fill a slot meant for a black person at a conference.
LSE students wrote an open letter to Butterworth, asking him to stand down and give his place to a black delegate. He did not.

He stopped “identifying as” black after that, but he’s cheerfully dogpiling on women who say that being a woman isn’t like putting on a coat.
An important principle underlying the operation of the Biosphere and moving all ecosystems from relative simplicity to relative complexity over time: if a niche is created, sooner or later an organism arrives capable of filling it, and everything moves on from there. The game-plan gets changed for many if not all participants.
Human societies are included.. If there is a living to be made by a ‘female impersonator’ doing a nightclub act, then in due course one will likely appear. Then another. Then variants. And of course, the odd Batesian mimic, predator, parasite or whatever, pretending to be something it ain’t, because there are advantages to be gained by doing so.
The investments and energy put in must yield a positive return, otherwise the whole process thanks ultimately to the Second Law of Thermodynamics will grind to a halt.
Maybe the kid can have a “gender reveal” party and burn down a forest.
The concept of ‘born in the wrong body’ all but requires you to believe in some form of mind-body dualism.
Not to mention believe in the male brain/female brain dichotomy. Something PZ used to find bogus, until the woke hypnotized him. (You suppose he just wants to seem cool to the cool kids?)
Yet it has been shown that there is no structural difference between male and female brains, so the differences that PZ claims do exist have to be psychological, and those psychological differences either had to have evolved in lockstep with the species Homo, or developed throughout childhood via social stimuli. But PZ vehemently rejects any suggestion that psychology is an evolved phenomenon and the socialisation theory is anathema to trans ideology so that leaves….what? As far as I can tell the only alternative left (to the ‘male/female brain proponents) is that these claimed psychological differences have always been there independent of physiology, and that idea reeks of creationism, since there is no chance that two seperate, fully-formed psychologies just happened to pop into existence once evolution had moved beyond self-replication into sexual reproduction.
And what happens when the sex of the child becomes too obvious to hide? This will happen sooner than they think.
#1 Omar
Hellooooo Possums!
#5 Acolyte:
You have unfortunately let the cat out of the bag there. How long before every quack from the ‘creation scientists’ through flat-earthers to Jimmy Swaggart are using that to flog their particular brand of snake oil? Ah well. Too late now, I s’pose.
Looks like the not-remotely-black looking man pretending to be black got nowhere near the abuse that the women pretending to be black got… wonder what the difference is.
(I don’t really)
Anyway, back to the introductory sentence of this post – I highly recommend watching the whole 10-minute clip. Piers Morgan is a total arse, but it’s nice to see him do his thing to someone who deserves it. BB’s incoherent, enraged spluttering is second only to that Harrop fella’s.
“Hobbit” could be male or female, I suppose, but “Jake”? I’m surprised that they didn’t change it to something that doesn’t shout out its maleness so loudly — Jamie, maybe.