The story is by Pink News “gender and identity” reporter Vic Parsons, who is or pretends to be incredulous that any women or girls ever have issues to do with excess bleeding.
Conservative peer Lord Lucas has spoken out about gender-neutral toilets, which he bizarrely thinks should be scrapped because women don’t want to “wash their bloody underwear” in front of men.
Vic Parsons doesn’t explain what’s bizarre about that.
The reality is that women don’t want to wash bloody underpants in front of anyone except possibly immediate family. Certainly having to wash blood out of one’s underpants in any public restroom/toilet would be a depressing and embarrassing need, but it would for sure be much worse in a “gender neutral” restroom toilet. Personally I don’t think women do that much – I think it’s more usual to wrap everything in layers of paper towel and wait until you get home to do the washing part. But I think if they do need to they should have a man-free restroom/toilet to do it in. Vic Parsons however is full of disdain.
During a House of Lords debate on Monday, Lucas claimed that gender-neutral bathrooms should be scrapped because women are “unsafe and uncomfortable” sharing space with men when they’re on their period.
“I do not think that any woman really wants to wash her bloody underwear when she has flooded during a period in front of men,” said Lucas, who, despite what this statement would have you believe, has been married to three women and has two daughters.
Maybe one or more of them had or have exceptionally heavy periods. That can happen, you know.

Doesn’t happen to transwomen, so it doesn’t happen to ciswomen. Duh. Obviously.
In accordance with that, can I take this opportunity to urge all the male visitors to this site, and particularly those inclined to comment here on the stuff OB publishes, to be cleaner, stop raping, stop flashing, and stop all other forms of indecent abuse; particularly those of you with an inclination to use womens’ toilets, change-rooms and such. Yes, I’m talking to you. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!! (Even if I don’t.)
There. That’s my good deed done for the day. Feel better for it, too. Hope Shithead – I mean Vic Parsons – gets to read it and congratulate me.
Now where was I?
I used to have heavy period days that also came with a bonus of diarrhea. So, yes, Penis News Moron, I have had to wash out underwear in public restroom sinks and then try to make it through the rest of long working days. I cannot imagine what it would have been like to deal with some of my more odious male coworkers if I had to do that in front of them. Hope the younger women will stand up for themselves or their lives are going to be worse than the lives of one or two generations of women before them.
Well, sure. Now that we “know” that woman doesn’t name a particular kind of person, nothing is true of women as a group. What do woman want or need? Nothing! Who cares!
So, after all this time, Alice Cooper was wrong.
“It apparently did not occur to Lord Lucas that the better solution, rather than maintaining the status quo of women having a “space where they can be free of… overt male sexual behaviours” could be to work harder to address sexual harassment and male violence against women.
And also for men to be cleaner.”
Why does it have to be either/or? People can do both!
Heck yes I’ve washed undies in a restroom sink. Do men never contact blood in their lives at all? You can’t swaddle everything in paper towels and leave it for later (ew, NO) unless you have an unlimited underwear budget and enjoy underwear shopping. The way you get blood out is A) with cold water and B) immediately.
Incident like this are the only good reason hand dryers exist.
Well, I wish I had posted that after rereading the article and not before. I’m sorry.