Another shameful headline:
Exeter lecturer accused of ‘transphobia’ for saying ‘only females menstruate’
Sometimes the stupid feels like a swamp of thick muddy stinking muck closing over your head. Of course only females menstruate. Only females gestate infants, so only females need to menstruate. Only men inseminate, only women menstruate. It’s like the first page of the sex ed book. What the hell is wrong with people, flinging accusations at people for saying something so obvious and basic and accurate and pointless to deny?
An Exeter lecturer has been accused of transphobia after a series of tweets sent from a private account were uncovered.
“Uncovered” – why? By whom? By what right? Are women not allowed to talk in private?
One of the tweets sent by Economics lecturer Eva Poen read: “Only female people menstruate. Only female people go through menopause.”
The tweets have been criticised by LGBT+ Society, who say the attitudes shown are damaging to the wellbeing of trans students on campus.
What “attitudes shown”? Uttering a factual and non-insulting truth is not an “attitude.” If it’s damaging to the wellbeing of trans students to point out obvious facts about women then trans students should just be learning to deal with it.
“She is in a position of power over vulnerable young people while openly singling out trans people, especially trans students, with dismissive, disdainful attitudes,” the society told The Exeter Tab.
She’s a woman; she’s an economics lecturer. She’s not a corporate executive or a dictator or a man. She has “power over” students in the sense that she has some say over how well they do in her classes, but that’s all – it’s not a very worldly or far-reaching kind of power. Women have a right to state true facts about women, and confused students shouldn’t be trying to punish them for doing so.
These damn fools are marching backward.
How does tweeting “Only female people menstruate. Only female people go through menopause” single out anyone?
Here’s ANOTHER fact that was uncontroversial until the transcult acquired power: If you feel “damaged” by facts that contradict your worldview (including your ideas about yourself) you have a problem. You need to learn to deal with your feelings. Hiding from reality because it’s painful isn’t healthy, not as a long-term strategy.
Grown-ups shouldn’t expect others to tiptoe around them all the time in order to save their fragile feelings. Grown-ups who refuse to accept reality are damaged, and grown-ups who try to control what others get to say are abusive asses.
It’s rather telling that the specific damage that can be done to the wellbeing of les vulnerables by such hard truths, other than the bursting of a bubble.
I take it then that males can menstruate, but only after they discover that they are trans something or other. Whoever discovered this amazing fact needs to write it up fast and get it published in the scientific literature.
One Nobel Prize coming up. For sure!
Prussia astronomer accused of ‘heresy’ for saying ‘the Earth orbits the Sun’
What other basic truths are going to upset people who don’t have a very firm or accurate grasp of reality? What about all the Otherkin who will be devestated if they are told that they are not really fur-bearing quadrupeds? Why do I get the sneaking suspicion that it's only the feelings and beliefs of those whose difficulties lay in a less than clear understanding of the fundamental core of human reproductive biology that are going to be pandered to? Why is it only the gender gullible whose precious delusions must be nurtured, affirmed and validated, unless you're prepared to be wished into the cornfield? And where exactly is this power inbalance, when the person speaking the truth has to do so in secret for fear of actual, real-world, professional consequences resulting from exposure and subsequent conviction for "transphobia" in the woke Twitter Star Chamber?
Do any of these activists have any clue at all as to how utterly ridiculous this sort of thing looks outside the sheltered environment of the academic woke-o-sphere? Do they have any concept of how little traction such bilge would get in most of the world beyond twitter? The real world outside the university gates is going to be a rude awakening. Of course if these activists end up staying in academia, then they can armour plate their gender bubble against the rude, crude and "transphobic" intusions of the outside world, and congratulate themselves and each other on the refined, elevated purity of their inclusivity and wokefulness.
He was from royal Prussia, which was part of Poland.
If “only female people menstruate,” then women who identify as men aren’t really men. And if these trans-identified- females hear this, they will feel invalidated. The entire world has to walk on eggshells to protect the fragile self-esteem of those who believe their body and mind don’t have the same sex/gender.
It will never stop. Trans people seem to have caught themselves into a never ending spiral of “not enough.” Not enough respect, not enough validation, not enough hormones and surgeries and cosmetic appearance in order to “pass,” as they pursue a goal which cannot, technically, ever be achieved. So it’s all about constantly fixing the surface, so it’s all shiny and reflects only them.
If you have trouble with cramps, just decide you’re ‘really’ male and they won’t exist! You only have to be ‘male’ for the relevant days so mark your calendar ahead of time…
Ooooh “les vulnerables” – that’s VERY good.
Sastra, that sort of goes along with the transwomen who feel we have cis-privilege because we do menstruate. And online sites that tell trans “folx” how to make menstrual blood so they can really experience being a woman. Nope. That isn’t what it means to be a woman, that is just a side effect of being a woman (well, maybe not a side effect, but yeah, sort of). Try again.
And menstruation is no privilege. Anyone who thinks it is (1) has never been through it; and (2) does not feel like a woman; they only feel like they think a woman might feel.
And faking menstruation is otherwise known as pretending…i.e., delusional.
I think the term “transphobia” should be retired as an irredeemable shibboleth. I don’t think there’s any way to use it anymore that is not either sexist and homophobic or both. Trans Rights Activists who like to throw this slur around willy-nilly are predominantly privileged white people who are neither female nor homosexual, and they use it to try to force their way into groups intended to support people who are female or homosexual. Some even use it to try to force their way into the pants of people who are female and homosexual.
Trans-identifying males are not the apotheosis of liberation, they’re the end state of straight male privilege. It’s not enough to hold their natal privilege over others, they want to have their cake and eat it too by taking also whatever privilege might accrue to the oppressed, and simultaneous destroying any societal accommodation for those groups. Lesbian bar? Here I am, ladies! Gay rights movement? Not without me, you don’t! Get the L out? Picket signs and baseball bats! Women’s Place? Don’t dare speak of that in public!
Soon feminism and gay rights must be spoken of only in secret. You can’t speak of them at a “women’s liberation conference.” You can’t talk about them at a “gay pride march.” Even being present at a place where one dares mention the idea that actually being female has any significance as an identifier could lose one her job. So much as liking a tweet can get one blackballed. Genuine lesbians are being forced back into a closet, because if they admit in public they are only sexually attracted to other members of the female sex they may be thrown out on the street and shamed on social media.
I guess “cultural appropriation” is only bad when the wrong people do it? How is it not cultural appropriation to take something that contributes to, or is a symbol of, a group’s marginalization and claim it for yourself?
Period poverty, menstruation huts… Never mind that, ladies! Look at me! I’m MENSTRUATING!