A fair playing field for women and girls
Over 300 female athletes send a private letter to the organisation that regulates sporting opportunities for students in the US asking for a fair playing field for women and girls.
The private letter is leaked by trans activists. /1https://t.co/o7GA6I44ka
— FairPlayForWomen (@fairplaywomen) August 3, 2020
These bullying tactics are plain for all to see. These transgender activists care little for fairness or safety. They strong arm their way into women’s sports excluding women as they go. This is why women are scared to speak up. This is why we do what we do. /3
— FairPlayForWomen (@fairplaywomen) August 3, 2020
The courage of women who do speak up in this hostile environment must be celebrated and not condemned /5
Thank you @sharrond62 @Martina @damekellyholmes @AnaPaulaVolei @paulajradcliffe @Tanni_GT @JaneCouchMBE @cathybrownboxer
— FairPlayForWomen (@fairplaywomen) August 3, 2020
It’s infuriating. Women say that they aren’t safe when trans identified men invade female spaces. The response from the men isn’t to apologise, and ask how they can keep women safe – the response is to prove how dangerous they are by attacking the women who don’t feel safe. Strange tactic.
I’ve read that TIMs, because they were actually female from birth and never really identified as male, were recipients of typical female socialization. They escaped male privilege and its sense of entitlement. In which case, they should want to sacrifice their own needs for others, so they can feel good about themselves.
Not happening. Strange. They’re not conforming to the gender they conform to.
Sastra, that is so true; they are not socialized as females, because society saw them as males. The only trans women I know were treated as, and lived as, males for a large portion of their childhood and early adult years; some, like Caitlyn Jenner, benefited from the male body by becoming rich and famous in a sport closed to women. Now wants us to believe ‘she’ was female all along.
Male privilege accrues to how society perceives you, not how you perceive yourself.
Another thing I have heard is that because society socialized them as males, they were as oppressed as females (more, in fact) because at least females got to be recognized for what they were, and were not constantly expected to conform to a gender standard that didn’t fit. Yeah, right.
So again, inconsistent arguments. TW were socialized as women, so they are women, and act like women.* OR TW were socialized as males, and this was deeply, deeply abusive because they were really women trapped in the wrong bodies.**
*They do not act like women; their level of entitlement is so male it resounds with maleness.
**How can you be born in the ‘wrong’ body? You are born in your body, no matter whether you like it or not. (And as someone with body dysphoria, I understand the feeling, but I am mature enough to work through my own discomfort with a body that doesn’t seem to reflect who I am instead of pretending I am someone else).
tigger_the_wing, #1:
Strange indeed. It reminds me of a comment I made on another post here recently along the lines of:
Transwomen: Why won’t you accept that we’re women?
Women: Well, we have a few conc….
Transwomen: Your concerns can suck our lady-dicks, bitches! Now, why won’t you accept that we’re women?