Young Greens support all identities
Hmm. Young Greens (youth and student branch of the UK party) tweet:
“Trans men are men, trans women are women, and non-binary identities are valid” – @rosierawle setting the record straight, Young Greens support all identities ⚧️
#gpconf @LGBTIQAGreens
What does it mean to “support all identities”? What can it mean?
What if someone’s identity is “Nazi trans woman”? Or just plain Nazi? Or dog, or toaster, or flying nun, or Marge Simpson, or Jupiter?
This is the hole we’ve fallen into by making such a fetish of “identity.” The claims about sacred identity keep ratcheting upward and upward, such that now we’re required to agree that identifying as=being. It’s a charter for frauds and tricksters and lying cheating goons like Trump.
The whole “support all identities” business makes sense if the TRA ontological claims about sex and gender are eliminated, and in its place people’s personalities substituted. However you, as an individual, behave, dress, and love is just fine as long as you’re not hurting anyone. There shouldn’t be any “shoulds” when it comes to being a man or woman. Break the boxes of conformity! No unwarranted discrimination! That seems to be the general intent — and it’s a good one.
Instead, the noble idea seems to be wrapped up in a garbled set of definitions and boundaries which end up making more boxes, not less, with concomitant navel-gazing and opportunities for boundary violations and offense. At the very least, arguing that this is what it does is now included with the most repressive versions of rejecting people’s choices regarding sex and gender. Question the idea of “identity” and you spit in the face of individuals identifying their individuality.
On the one hand I think “identity” is quite different from “personality”…but on the other hand the meaning of “identity” has become so inflated and so vague that I couldn’t really tell you what the Young Greens mean by it in that tweet.
Anyway they don’t even mean it. They don’t mean it in the case of feminist identity for instance…
Do the Young Greens identify as early-season vegetables?
SUPPORT ALL THE THINGS! Good to know they consider ecologist-otter a valid identity.
But… doesn’t “support all identities” imply that there is no such thing as an illegitimate / fraudulent identity-claim? Uh oh.
Since self-identified feminists disagree on Trans Rights, it’s simplicity itself to say the side you don’t like is not feminism at all. Apparently “bigot” is not an “identity.”
So they accept that Rachel Dolezal is black. And that Trump is a stable genius. Nice to know.
At a trivially obvious level, personal declaration has to be sufficient. Otherwise? Badges with current hormone printouts? Crotchless trousers for public genital checks?
Of the (tiny) mass of trans people, of the male-to-female subset, what proportion includes the barbed-wired baseball bat-Karen White/Jessica Yaniv subset?
And why is it forbidden to acknowledge their existence?
There really is such a thing as ‘Islamophobia’ in the sense of anti-immigrant racism and insular ‘Christian’ privilege. But that does not diminish the real horror of Islamism by a jot or a tittle. We seem to live in times where simple distinctions like this are treated as heresy.