What doesn’t pass the smell test
Lindsey Graham is an icon of Integrity.
I love Joe Biden as a person but we are not going to give a pass to what is obviously a conflict of interest. I believe Hunter Biden’s association on the Burisma board doesn’t pass the smell test. If a Republican was in the same position, they’d certainly be investigated!
Sadly, many have doubts about his sincerity.
Jared and Ivanka raked in $82 million last year while holding White House jobs & security clearances Trump forced through.
The @RNC bulk-bought Donald Trump Jr’s book to make it a best-seller and to hand out to donors.
The Trump “kids” earn their living selling Trump hotels.
Greedy lowlifes Jared and Ivanka made $82 million last year using their WH connections. Neither has ever held a job their Dads didn’t hand them; they contribute nothing, travel on the taxpayers’ dime and take credit for other people’s work. They’re Ken and Barbie with trust funds.
Jared and Ivanka raked in $82 million last year while holding White House jobs & security clearances Trump forced through.
The @RNC bulk-bought Donald Trump Jr’s book to make it a best-seller and to hand out to donors.
The Trump “kids” earn their living selling Trump hotels.
Jared and Ivanka made $82 million last year. Don Jr gets $50K per speech & the RNC bought $94K worth of his ghostwritten trash book. You’re a traitorous Trumpocrite, #LeningradLindsey
With all due respect to Joy Reid and Amee Venderpool, the sarcastic quotes are misplaced.
The Trump kids “earn” their living selling Trump hotels.
Colin, you NINJA’D me, I was going to say exactly that.