Tipoffs welcome
Another sniffy censor: TERFS OUT OF ART. They want to get feminists with unapproved opinions out of art, you see.
Trans rights are human rights
Working to kick transphobia out of art
Tipoffs welcome
RT / amplify us so we can get the job done
TERFs blocked
I’m blocked, so I guess I must be a TERF.
Here’s their “work” for today:
TERF artist Rachel Ara will speak at #OxfordBrookes university tomorrow.
Giving transphobes a uni platform is unacceptable. We encourage students & staff to picket & raise complaints with @obuarts at http://brookes.ac.uk/school-of-arts/about/ … – campus must be safe for everyone.
This account shows us two tweets that Rachel Ara retweeted, and for that they are trying to prevent her from giving a scheduled talk. They’ll be telling us how often we’re allowed to breathe next.
Except apparently gender critical feminists or anyone else who doesn’t fawn all over these narcissists.
They are so proud of their outrage.
This is a really good tweet thread on how it’s the powerful who can “identify” as the less powerful, not vice versa. A transwoman can insist on going to a female prison, but a transman who went to a male prison would be at risk of violence.
KBPlayer, that was an interesting threat. One thing that came to my mind is when Caityn Jenner became the woman of the year (I believe that is part of what started the great expulsion of B&W from FTB). There were some of us that believed, then and now, that women are best represented by women who have been women, and who have worked to end the stereotypes that Jenner was using to present herself as a woman and be recognized as such.
I have yet to see a transman elevated in such a fashion to be the representative of things male, and I suspect such will not happen. Transmen are not really men, and the male world recognizes that and continues to treat them as if they were women, even as a part of the male world screams loudly and often that “transwomen are women. Period.”
Aaaaaaaaand, unbelievably, Oxford Brookes has canceled her talk. Because of this stupid malicious tweet, they have rushed to silence her.
Yes, and when black people “passed” as white, it was a miserable necessity for education, employment and getting out of an underclass which could be physically attacked/raped with impunity.
White people pretending to be black is a luxury, and I would guess is a recent phenomenon, when your chances for education etc are much better.
Would transwomen have chosen this before women had rights for education and employment and sexual freedom? When being a woman was far more constraining?
[…] Tipoffs welcome […]
And, of course, as you know, women dressing/living as men throughout history for the same reason. Only now, they are being coopted by the trans community. They lived in men’s clothes doing men’s work with a man’s name – OMG, they must be men! Hurray for trans!
Women are being stripped of their present, but also their history, by this insidious technique. And if we don’t fight back, we could be stripped of our future, becoming “uterus-havers” and “menstruators” instead of women. While men remain men.
To be fair and honest, there have been men (i.e., adult human males) who have accorded themselves as women to varying degrees throughout history, along with women who have accorded themselves as men; for example, in Imperial and Weimar Germany, a sexologist gave out transvestite certificates to theoretically allow people to wear clothes of the opposite sex in public without running afoul of the government’s stringent anti-homosexuality laws or with the social stigma of being identified as homosexual. (These certificates were revoked when you-know-who ended the Weimar experiment for good and all.)
The world should be big enough to have them in it. It is a great shame that they think they’ll make that room by attacking women.
How incredibly hateful it is to want a respectful, fact-based discussion with TRA’s!