The scramble and fallout from the call

Apparently there was much scrambling.

Aides to President Trump scrambled in the aftermath of his July 25 phone call with Ukraine’s leader — both to alert lawyers of their concerns and to contain the damage, new CNN reporting shows.

At least one National Security Council official alerted the White House’s national security lawyers about the concerns, three sources familiar with the matter said. Those same lawyers would later order the transcript of the call moved to a highly classified server typically reserved for code-word classified material.

Wait a second. What kind of “concerns” are we talking about? Concerns about the criminality and treachery of Trump’s attempt to extort campaign interference from the president of Ukraine? Or concern about the criminality and treachery of Trump’s attempt to extort campaign interference from the president of Ukraine’s being found out by the rest of the world?

Do they give a shit about the substance at all? Or is it completely, 100%, entirely about Trump and about their jobs and reputations and hides? Moving the transcript suggests it was the latter.

Those concerns were raised independently of the complaint brought forward by an intelligence community whistleblower. They reflect new evidence of the unease mounting within the administration at the President’s actions.

But was the unease about Trump’s actions? Or about the consequences to them?

White House lawyers, aware of the tumult, initially believed it could be contained within the walls of the White House. As more people became aware of the conversation — and began raising their internal concerns about it — a rough transcript of the call was stored away in a highly classified server that few could access. The order to move the transcript came from the White House’s national security lawyers to prevent more people from seeing it, according to people familiar with the situation.

Shouldn’t national security lawyers be focused on the national security part, not Trump’s ability to continue doing bad shit part?

The scramble and fallout from the call, described by six people familiar with it, parallels and expands upon details described in the whistleblower complaint. The anxiety and internal concern reflect a phone conversation that deeply troubled national security professionals, even as Trump now insists there was nothing wrong with how he conducted himself. And it shows an ultimately unsuccessful effort to contain the tumult by the administration’s lawyers.

I hope they all get disbarred. They shouldn’t have been trying to “contain the tumult”; they should have been sounding the alarm.

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