That will eventually result
A subhead at the Telegraph:
Author David Thomas still lives as a man, but has begun the male-to-female gender transition that will eventually result in becoming a woman. Each week he chronicles his progress. This week, he talks about his attempts to lose weight
Have we all regressed to childhood?
There’s no such thing as doing or beginning or practicing the X “that will eventually result in becoming a woman” if you’re a man. A man beginning a “gender transition” can do all sorts of things to imitate women, perform being a woman, act the part of a woman, and the like, but there is no becoming a woman, not even eventually.
Some echoes of the Kaitlyn Jenner thing: what part of being a woman requires weight loss?
Of course he’s not really becoming a woman, though I have no doubt a crucial part of his transition will involve taking hormones, and that brings to mind an interesting fact that trans activists never talk about: the time limit on hormone usage. As the first generation of trans people is beginning to learn: you can’t always take cross-sex hormones forever. The side effects keep going up, and as you age, the risks begin to outweigh the benefits. So does David Thomas have a plan for when he reverts back to being a man after he can’t take estrogen anymore?
Saw a picture of this man — he has a rather large skull and is clearly a man. Losing weight is only going to make the male skull structure stand out more.
#1 BK
The part where women need to conform to certain standards as part of their role in society, duh. Not that trans theory reinforces gender roles due to relying on them or anything… Why do people keep saying that??
As a below-average-weight woman who is sick of hearing how she must be anorexic or must be totally stressed and is instead convinced that biologically she is genetically defective, FUCK THAT SHIT.
Colloquial discussion about weight control piss me off. Apologies for my uncouth-ness, as if that doesn’t give away my sex/gender/ethnicity. Oi vey *facepalm*
It seems to me that one can’t be born something other than what they are.
Well, he is transitioning to something. But just what it means to be ‘trans’ is such a muddled concept that he could mean almost anything. Whether the mere declaration, like a traditional Islamic divorce, is sufficient; or if there’s some surgical/hormonal threshold to be met, cannot be determined in the current mess.