Sir, Category 5, sir

Trump goes to FEMA for a briefing on the hurricane that is now hammering the Bahamas, and at that briefing he marvels at the idea of a Category 5 hurricane, says he’s never heard of a Cat 5, says he has heard of a Cat 5 but only as a concept, not as an event.

None of that is accurate. None of it. It’s the babbling of someone whose brain is emptying out at an accelerating rate.

Daniel Dale provides the citations:

President Donald Trump on the existence of Category 5 hurricanes, 2017-2019.


Fall of 2017, Category 5 a new thing on earth. This past May, Category 5 whaaaaaat who ever heard of that, big stuff. Today Category 5 whaaaaaat I knew it existed but I never knew it existed other than I knew it existed.

Well never mind, he can remember exactly how he felt when a tv star called him “Sir” this one time.

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