Show us on the doll where he misgendered you
At least the important stuff is being attended to.
My father just sent me this horrific article which mis-genders Sam Smith SEVEN times in the opening paragraph. Douglas Murray, please fuck off.
Ermergerd! Seven whole times!
But what is “misgendering”?
It’s not anything. It’s a made-up crime. It’s an invented solecism that isn’t a solecism at all unless you believe that “gender” is a real and sacred thing that can be the very opposite of a person’s literal sex. If you decline to believe that, then there’s just calling people she when they’re he or vice versa, by mistake or to be camp or jokey or mean. It’s not in any of those circumstances “horrific” or worth making a fuss about on Twitter.
If only we would educate ourselves.
I have read some Judith Butler and I consider her a pretentious opportunist. I do not think she has the power to declare that men are women if they “identify as” such, not even if a Twitzealot tells me to in all-caps.
I really, really hate how disingenuously these people argue.
They: “Gender is a social construct!”
Also they: “Gender is an innate part of you!”
Just pick whichever serves your whims at the moment.
It’s fine and well to invite people to read a particular book or other more detailed arguments for your position. After all, Twitter is not a great venue for detailed arguments. But (1) it’s an invitation, not a command — you don’t get to assign me homework, especially if it’s an entire book; and (2) if you don’t recognize the possibility that someone might read your preferred text and still disagree with you, I’m not terribly inclined to go to the effort.
I don’t care if it’s Christians declaring that I must read the Bible, or libertarians insisting that if I only read Hayek or Ayn Rand I would understand that taxation is theft, or Chomskyites pointing to their man’s holy text, or TRAs pushing Judith Butler or that book Whipping Girl (?).
That said, it’s still better than telling me I must watch this hour-long YouTube video. Oh, hell no!
I don’t even order people to read books I’ve written!
The meme “One does not simply skim Judith Butler” (with picture of Sean Bean as Boromir) came to mind.
You should. They are well worth reading. I certainly enjoyed them.
That Butler review: Giliell, dat you?
I still chuckle over her response to me at Pharyngula when she realised that her own bullshit was failing to educate me. ‘Have you even read Butler? Have you? HAVE YOU?’
I have. Samuel Butler.
My biggest problem with your books is that you don’t mention me even once! ME ME ME ME ME ME!
I’m not sure that Butler helps the cause:
“Gender is not something that one is, it is something one does, an act… a doing rather than a being.” ~ Judith Butler”
Okay. Where’s the magic identity-ness in that?
“Gender is not something that one is, it is something one does, an act… a “doing” rather than a “being”. There is no gender identity behind the expressions of gender; that identity is performatively constituted by the very “expressions” that are said to be its results. If the immutable character of sex is contested, perhaps this construct called ‘sex’ is as culturally constructed as gender; indeed, perhaps it was always already gender, with the consequence that the distinction between sex and gender turns out to be no distinction at all.”
There you have it. She doesn’t establish, support and demonstrate: she “perhaps” her way out of the dilemma of having to put forth coherent propositions.
I identify as a robot, my pronouns are 100110 and 101101, use them correctly you bigots
“How do we conjugate those”
It is not my job to educate you