What’s wrong with this picture.
I don’t think I’m being virtuous. I just think that people should be recognized as how they are. Pretty low bar for virtue. For example: trans women are women. Calling trans women “Male” because you are transphobic is a you problem. Don’t make it their problem.
Spot the flaw. BZZZZZZZT! Correct! The flaw is the non sequitur between sentence two and sentence four:
People should be recognized as how they are. For example: trans women are women.
But that’s not an example of recognizing people as how they are; it’s the opposite. Trans women are in fact men who identify as / think they are / call themselves / claim to be women. How do we go about “recognizing” people as how they are [inside their heads but not on the outside] unless they come with large legible labels attached? In ordinary everyday life we “recognize” people as how they are via our senses and the information our senses give us based on cues we have learned over however many years we’ve lived.
He means something more like “endorse” or “agree with” but didn’t say that…probably because putting it that way makes it more obvious that it isn’t about “how they are” but “how they imagine themselves.” The demand is that we treat fantasies as reality, but the advocates of doing so don’t put it that way because it’s such an obviously unreasonable demand.
He must get really confused at Hallowe’en.
Cosmopolitan and similar publications, circa 1985. “Come on, men, it’s fine to get in touch with your feminine side. It’s not like you’ll actually turn into women, you sillies.”
Trans movement, circa 2019. “You are not in touch with your feminine side, you are a woman. Get out of that closet and go whack a TERF!”
How the times have changed.
Well…a substantial number, perhaps a majority, of trans-women are indeed trans-women. The misogynist TERF-whacking brigade don’t qualify.
Otherwise, any thinking I’ve ever done about sexism or gender roles would have made my own sex flicker back and forth like a strobe light. The trans-police attitude is such cartoonish sexism that its still jaw-dropping to hear it taken seriously.
Exactly. If we were all to follow their example, I would be male one moment (while doing “male” things, like my job in science) and female the next (while doing “female” things, like putting on earrings). Because whenever I’m doing those things, I usually feel like doing them, so that should mean I feel like the gender to which those activities are typically attributed.
Wait… The claim that people should be recognised for how they are apparently apply to males who look like males but think otherwise, but it does not apply to people who look like terfs but think otherwise?
Never drive the wrong way down a one way street, especially one where the direction changes back and forth and the signs are visible to only a select few drivers.
Your Name’s not Bruce? @#6
Never drive the wrong way down a one way street, especially one where the direction changes back and forth and the signs are visible to only a select few drivers.
Oh, I don’t have a licence anyway…