Morgane gloats
Morgane Oger continues to peak trans anyone who is paying attention.
The Cost Of Prejudice:
Vancouver Rape Relief would need 9000 donors giving $10 per month each to replace their $1.1 million annual income that relies on govt contracts and a charitable status – both incompatible with discrimination against women on any basis whatsoever.
— Morgane Oger (@MorganeOgerBC) March 18, 2019
The replies are universally hostile.
Wait, not quite, one trans woman is on Team Oger.
Are there any inclusive organizations in the area that this funding might be better suited for? This seems like a great opportunity for a more inclusive service provider to grow and become the primary care center in Vancouver.
— Julie Rei Goldstein Saw The TV Glow (@JulieRei) March 19, 2019
Are there any refuges for raped/battered women that are more incloooosive of the people who rape/batter them?
Oger continues with the “But I am a woman” bullshit.
It's really hard for women to be prejudiced against ourselves.
— Morgane Oger (@MorganeOgerBC) March 19, 2019
Haw haw, see? We have no basis for disagreeing with him because he’s a woman just as we are, why do we keep hitting ourselves?
Quite a few replies point out how very male his sense of entitlement is.
How I wish that was true. There are so many ways in which women are prejudiced against women. Don’t know any? Let me introduce you to my mother…my sisters…2/3 of all the female bosses I have had…Ann Coulter…the list goes on…and on…and on…and on. Never heard of the anti-suffs? Google them.
The thing is, they couch it in being pro-woman, just like Oger does. It is in the best interests of women to be prevented from voting…to have no savings of their own even if they work their asses off…to be oppressed, often violently, by men…to have male-bodied persons doing their counseling, etc, following their rape…
As if women aren’t frequently the gatekeepers of misogyny.
(The whole having been socialised male bit makes it even easier for this person.)
It is … interesting, isn’t it, how the loudest voices in these debates are from people who don’t run domestic violence shelters or the groups that do, just from other people who insist that the people actually on the ground doing shit are DOING IT WRONG.
Hmmm, looks like oger and his male cronies either want to get their paws on that government money themselves OR be the guys who control who gets the money. Considering Oger’s past of shady finances (see Kiwi Farms), that is not surprising at all. And he cheated some tribe in Canada out of money????
Re “the people actually on the ground doing shit are doing it wrong”: I’m wary of this line of argument. Certainly people outside of healthcare can tell Catholic hospitals they are “doing it wrong” when they refuse to provide appropriate reproductive care. Similarly, outsiders can tell Christian adoption agencies they are “doing it wrong” if they refuse to allow same-sex couples to adopt. There has to be something more about what they are doing and what is claimed to be wrong.
LM, isn’t that interesting. Meanwhile, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter provided a submission to the Canadian National Inquiry into the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls.
Again–you can donate to VRRWS here:
Even granting Oger’s assertion of femaleness… is she truly naive enough to think no anti-feminist women exist? Hoff Summers comes to mind. But she can’t possibly believe this: she is arguing against multiple women, especially those associated with the women’s shelter in question, claiming them not to be feminist.
Which means this can only be deliberately disingenuous.