In case you need some pointers
The state of this.
Graham Linehan was not cautioned. The police came by for a chat because a couple of the usual Robespierres told them to.
This kind helpful fella even offers the aspiring Robespierres a model email they can send to the police about a guy having opinions on the internet.
Just imagine calling it “mutilation” to cut off healthy breasts or penises. “Gender confirmation surgery” is the correct ScienTific term and not at all loaded or political or shaped by a particular ideological fantasy. Similarly it is “height confirmation surgery” to have one’s healthy head or legs cut off.
And that nonsense is his only substantive point, the rest of it is all “inappropriate” and [unspecified] “harm” and “deserve” and “urge.” Censorship used to be made of sterner stuff.
An hour later, absurdly, he complained that Linehan had noticed.
ugh, Gl*nner quote tweeted me, what a sad case
— Alan (@alan_maguire) January 18, 2019
Yes, it’s “a sad case” to notice some goon tweeting lies about you, but not at all a sad case to tweet lies about people in an effort to get tv networks to shun them.
So does that mean that FGM is now some sort of confirmation of something? Or are there times when we are allowed to consider it mutilation to cut off healthy tissue for no other reason than we aren’t happy with the sex of the bearer (whether it be our own sex or that of someone else)?
iknklast, I’m sure that it will be referred to as mutilation in the future lawsuits which are bound to be brought against the trans ‘counsellors’ that are currently railroading the young and impressionable (gullible?) into surgical transitioning.
AoS, I have encountered 4x as many trans individuals in the past 6 months as I encountered in the first 58 years of my life. Coincidence? Probably not. And all were female-to-male. Methinks we are on the verge of discovering that people are telling girls who want to be something other than traditional pink, bows, and dolls that they are really boys, and the girls are accepting that because it opens up a world for them where they can be what they always wanted to be.
That’s just tragic if correct, and I have no reason to doubt your thinking.
Totalitarian little shits.
#3 iknklast
Are there any solid numbers for FtM versus MtF? The current mania seems to flow entirely from transwomen of various stripes.
[…] mentioned a couple of times en passant that a couple of trans activists had managed to get The Police to go visit […]