History written by?
For most of America’s history, when our companies did better, our workers did better – and America built a thriving middle class. The Accountable Capitalism Act will help realign our skewed market incentives so companies & workers can once again do well together.
Erm, no. Not for “most” of America’s history at all. For a couple of decades after World War 2, and even then of course black people were almost entirely shut out. What was different about those two decades? Strong unions and high taxes on extreme wealth.
There are a lot of replies saying that.
When unions did better workers did better. This rhetoric can only come from a capitalist.
That was unions Liz.
For “most” of Americas history? Are you joking? This was true only for a few decades post WW2 because of labor power.This is trickle-down economics in a nutshell. I’d expect nothing less from a Reagan Republican.
NOTHING has trickled down for 40 fuqqing years Liz.
Two centuries of labor struggle would like a word, Senator.
Can’t we all just get along? No.
The only time there has ever been a secure middle (working) class has been when unions have been at least moderately strong. It’s one of the reasons why so many wealthy and business owners detest unions.
Ironically, Guilds were essentially state sanctioned unions for those in commerce (business owners). guilds gained support because they provided by direct fees and gifts to those rulers who approved them, and a promise of additional tax revenue at a later date.
This is trickle-down economics, which I endorse in a more upgraded form than originally proposed by someone in Eisenhower’s administration and satirised by Pete Seeger in his song ‘I like Ike’, which from memory goes: “I like Ike, he’s a friendly guy/ When things go wrong, he doesn’t pine or sigh, / That great big smile and happy grin / Helps us forget the mess we’re in…”
As income disparity increases, and the distribution of wealth skews ever further to the upper end, it trickles down. It trickles down first to the children and beneficiaries of the wealthy individuals, and from there on down to their lawyers, as said children and beneficiaries start to fight amongst themselves in court battles over the loot. But it does not stop there. It trickles further on down to the children and beneficiaries of the lawyers, and from there to the dogs, cats, peacocks, guard dogs, alligators and other exotic animals kept by said children and beneficiaries. And their lawyers. And their lawyers’ lawyers. And their lawyers’ lawyers’ children and beneficiarties. And their lawyers’ lawyers’ childrens’ and beneficiaries’ dogs and cats. And to the fleas on the dogs and cats of the lawyers’ lawyers’ children and other beneficiaries.
So I thoroughly endorse trickle-down theory and it latest Senatorial exponent Elizabeth Warren, as tweetled by her. I have by no means finished, but that’s enough for one day. Now where was I?
That’s why I always protest when people say the GOP wants to return us to the 1950s. They want nothing of the sort. There were strong unions and high taxes on personal wealth. They want to return us to the 1880s, but borrow June Cleaver from the 1950s for women…but only middle-class white women. The rest of the women are supposed to be working long hours for little pay and no benefits, taking their pay home to their man, cooking him dinner, bearing him children, and raising said children with no help, no food stamps, no welfare, and no protection against domestic violence.
God, she actually tweeted that, didn’t she. For someone supposedly educated in American history, she seems to be woefully unread about huge swaths of it.
It’s not even “most of within living memory” because too many decades have intervened since.