God’s instrument
Rick Perry says it’s god’s plan.
Like a lot of evangelical Christians, Energy Secretary Rick Perry believes in a God who gets involved in every aspect of our lives — including the election of Donald Trump as President.
“I’m a big believer that the God of our universe is still very active in the details of the day-to-day lives of government,” Perry told Fox News in remarks aired on Sunday.
“You know, Barack Obama doesn’t get to be the President of the United Sates without being ordained by God. Neither did Donald Trump.”
Perry went on to say that being God’s instrument on Earth doesn’t mean that Trump is a perfect person. Echoing the argument of other white evangelical Christians, the Texas Republican went on to cite several biblical figures, including King David, whose private lives didn’t always align with biblical standards.
Never mind about “private lives,” which is code for extramarital sex. The issue goes way beyond “private life.” Trump is transparently and unavoidably a very bad man in every way – mean, greedy, selfish, callous, a bully, a liar, a thief, corrupt, ruthless, ignorant, willful, reckless – there is nothing good about him. If that’s ordained by god then god is a shit.
Anyway that claim is just a handy way to excuse anything and everything, which basically means we can’t make any moral judgments at all. If this walking shouting textbook of all that is evil can be explained away as God’s Plan then so can anything.
Ekemini Uwan, a public theologian and a co-host of the podcast “Truth’s Table,” told CNN in February that Trump’s election was not exactly an answer to her prayers.
Uwan said she believes that God is supremely in control of the entire universe, from the smallest atoms to American politics.
“We can’t say that it’s not God’s will for Donald Trump to be president, because he is the president,” she said.
But the theologian draws a distinction between God’s sovereignty and God’s approval. That is, what God allows to happen is not the same thing as what God wants to happen.
Cheap. Cheap cheap cheap, and glib, and easy, and worthless. The hell with it.
I don’t remember any of these evangelicals saying it was God’s plan when Obama was president; now Perry pretends this was God’s plan, but they were howling in outrage the entire eight years.
Maybe it was made God’s plan retroactively?
I’ve often wondered that about the whole prayer business. People pray for stuff to happen in the future, how come they never seem to pray that something bad hadn’t happened?
Or maybe they’re doing it all the time and it works and nobody knows because if it’s made not to happen we wouldn’t remember it in the first place?
So did god plan the impeachment? If so, surely he can get Mulvaney et al. to testify.
But I thought that the whole “deep state” thing was bad?
Also, that must mean that God was in the loop on the perfect Ukrainian phonecall. Is he going to be subpoenaed to testify in the impeachment investigation any time soon? Is God cool with constitutional processes, or is he the only one allowed to end Darth Cheeto’s “presidency”?
So God chose Obama and Trump? Now that’s what I call both-siderism.
God, the ultimate micromanager.
To: God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
CC; Archangel Michael
I am writing to gain some clarity on the proclamations made by your emissaries here on Earth. Previously we had been led to understand that Barack Obama had gained the presidency by nefarious means such as getting more votes etc and was installed against your will. In office we were further informed by Metatron, the Voice of God, also known as Fox News that President Obama committed hideous crimes in office, such as wearing a tan suit, eating fancy mustard, being good at singing and worst of all, improving access to healthcare.
Obviously we understand that President Trump is your Chosen One, as evidenced by his moral and impeachable conduct such as conducting affairs with porn stars and sexually assaulting women, lying, cheating, money-laundering and so on. His divine mission to lower taxes on the top 1% and to sell out the US to Your Favored dictators such as Mr Putin of Russia is progressing as planned.
However, we are now given to understand that in contrast to previous statements, Mr Obama was in fact allowed to ascend the presidency, if not explicitly planned by you. We remain confused about whether Mr Obama is in fact Lucifer, the Great Adversary with his hand-maiden, the anti-Christ Hilary Clinton and as such should shunned and excoriated, or whether he in fact was part of the greater plan to get the new Messiah elected to the presidency in order to bring about the End Times.
If you could please respond in the usual means through your prophets here on Earth in the next 10 business days, I will be able to proceed with the Divine Plan of welcoming Russia’s help in the election and ensuring President Obama, Secretary Clinton and her hordes of demons are sent back to Hell or Benghazi whichever is most convenient.
Yours etc.
Secretary for Energy, Rick Perry and Attorney-General Bill Barr
These people who claim that God manages the Universe? Do they have any idea of how vast the Universe is? Maybe we’re just the slime on the side of God’s Petri dish
I wonder if Hitler gets to be chancellor of Germany without being ordained by god, Stalin the chairman of the communist party, Mao the same in another country, etc. etc.
Or is god American and can’t be bothered with politics elsewhere?
Even if god just limits itself to the US of A, it’s still got a lot to answer for: genocide, slavery, civil war, assassinations, the KKK, Tucker Carlson….
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