Bring plenty of stones
Oh goody, a town hall. A Two Spirit, Dyke, Queer & Trans Community Town Hall, Hosted by Coalition Against Trans Antagonism and Vancouver Dyke March.
Vancouver Dyke March is the one that doesn’t like lesbians. It has a video about trans inclusion.
I feel like the word “dyke” is so inclusive of so many different idenninies.
That’s at 22 seconds in and I’m not watching any more because that’s plenty stupid enough. The word “dyke” is inclusive of lesbian identities; why does it have to be inclusive of “so many” other ones? Why can’t it just name what it names? Why do words have to be inclusive at all? The more inclusive they are the less they tell us, and words are supposed to be tools for telling us things.
Back to the event page.
Coalition Against Trans Antagonism & the Vancouver Dyke March are teaming up to hold an important community discussion. Join us to debrief, reflect on, and strategize with regards to last year’s and this year’s Vancouver Dyke March and the TERF/SWERF fascist violence and oppression.
Yes that’s what dyke marches should be all about: demonizing other dykes and accusing them of fascist violence and oppression.
Safer Space Information:
This event is a safer space event. We insist attendees conduct themselves within decolonial and intersectional frameworks. TERFs, SWERFs and any other forms of fascists and supremacists are not welcome. All attendees will be vetted at the door.
In other words feminists who think men are not women and feminists who think the sex trade exploits and abuses women are not welcome at this oh so intersectional meeting.
Intersectionality means we include everyone but women.
So, if you remove a critical axis (or several) of the intersectionality in a diverse community grouping, surely it’s stating the bleeding obvious that you no longer have an intersection, you have a one way street occupied by a monoculture.
Oh good, now verbal disagreements also mean one is a fascist as well as violent. I guess words just don’t mean anything anymore.
Without context, I have no idea what a group calling itself Coalition Against Trans Antagonism stands for. Are they against antagonism by trans people, or antagonism against trans people? Or are they against amity (thanks, Merriam-Webster) that identifies as antagonism? Words are hard.
‘Outside the owls hunted maternal rodents and their furry brood.’
Lets all ‘intersect’ ourselves out of existence…while real-life fascists march by our windows.
This is not applicable to the important points regarding the policy of exclusion and the strange uses of “violence” and “fascist”, but the last bullet point in the announcement of this “town hall” reads:
“If you require an EMF-reduced space, please contact us as soon as possible; if needed, an EMF-reduced space will be created as well as a space for people who require using their cell phone for access purposes.”
I think I will go, and demand they put aluminum foil over all the windows and doors.
So clamboy, I googled ‘vancouver EMF reduced space’ and found some testimonials:
I confess, I draw the line on interesectionality when it allows in such woo.
The announcement also reads, “ASL interpretation is currently being secured. If you require this service, please contact us by 5:00pm on Wednesday, June 19th.” I know the field well enough – this hard deadline means that the interpreters have dared to ask to be paid, and that the organizers reserve their right to cancel interpreters in time not to pay them. If a Deaf person only gets wind of this event the day before, sucks to be them.
It just gets better and better.
<> What form does this vetting take? Checking all the women for penises? Maybe everyone is wired up by the scalp and judged on the basis of conforming (“inclusive”) or non-conforming (TERFY) brain waves when shown images of women with penises? Has the science gotten us there, or should we just go back to throwing women in a pond to see if they float?
I suspect they’ll do this one. Or check for witch’s marks.