Big Macs by candlelight
Aw isn’t that sweet – Trump had a winning sports team over for a fancy dinner to celebrate.
President Trump is serving McDonald’s and Wendy’s at the White House on Monday night — but it’s far from the first time the president’s enjoyment of fast food has been apparent.
On Monday, Trump announced plans to serve the Clemson football team fast food during their visit to the White House, following the team’s national-championship win. The decision was in part because most of the White House staff is furloughed during the government shutdown, which is now in its 24th day, White House deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley told CNN.
Still in the fancy styrofoam boxes and everything!
Isn’t that just so fancy and special and generous?
None of your fancy French muck for our Don!
In the first photo, I would like to think that the guy at the back of the queue is dressed like that because he has a sense of irony.
Every time I think he has gone beyond parody, he does something like this. will I ever learn?
Many many French fries! Holy shit.
My god this is sad. Weren’t conservatives concerned about maintaining the prestige of the presidency?
But Obama wore a grey suit!
Obama wore a tan suit. The monster.
I’m using an iPad mini so the images are crappy but I think those plates are the Obama era White House china.
chigau, he probably keeps the gold-plated Trump-era china for when Putin visits.
Question: If White House kitchen staff are on furlough, who’s scooping Donnie’s ice cream for him?
This kitchen situation may have predictive power regarding the duration of the shutdown, kinda like the groundhog seeing its shadow.
Without someone scooping for him, he either a) goes without or b) does it himself.
If a), then he goes without, and that’s just sad. This may hasten the end of the shutdown.
If b) he’s shifting for himself, then what in the past was seen as a privilege (I’ve got two scoops! You only got one!! NEENER NEENER NEENER!!!), might be viewed now by him as an unreasonable check and limitation on presidential power. “Two scoops? Shit, I’m gonna take THE WHOLE FUCKING TUB!” This would probably prolong the shutdown. Until the ice cream runs out and somebody not currently on furlough has to go grocery shopping. As Trump is not really that interested in the minutiae of things, he will not have thought things through this far until there is no more ice cream to be had.
In the meantime the two most important questions we have to ask are:
Does he have access to the fridge?
Does he have access to a scoop?
What the picture doesn’t show is Trump on the checkout at the end of the table.
“That’s five dollars plus White House tax. Thirty dollars total.”
Obviously when I wrote “grey” I meant “tan”.