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It sounds so familiar…
McKinnon blocked me on Twitter but Google finds the tweet easily.
That ONE tweet. Fancy being silly enough to focus on that! Just because McKinnon refers to lesbians as “cis” and then refers to their sexual orientation as “genital hangups” and then says they can “cope” just fine with penis. Silly silly cis lesbians, refusing to be charmed by giant arrogant medal-stealing DOCTOR Rachel McKinnon when they could simply “cope” or “adjust” or “deal with it” or “shut up and spread them.”
As with everything I’ve seen from McKinnon, it is so cruel.
You know, even if you see trans women with penises as women (I’m just saying IF) lesbians don’t have to have sex with them. Like if a lesbian isn’t attracted to, say, flat-chested women, people might call her shallow but in general people understand. Trans women could still be seen as a type of women most lesbians aren’t attracted to.
Anna – exactly. Everyone should have full control over who they have sex with. I have turned down offers from lesbian women for sexual encounters, and they didn’t go all ballistic and accuse me of bigotry. They understood I wasn’t interested in them. And that might have been the case even if I had been lesbian. They may simply not have been my type.
I guess the real take-home here is that trans-women of the McKinnon school are playing from the same playbook as incels. Your decision not to have sex with me is bad, wrong, bigoted, and someone should step in and make you stop rejecting me.
And society is way too sympathetic, because they don’t stop to think through what this means…to them, either. Why shouldn’t a lesbian have full rights to decide who she has sex with? If another natal woman was interested in her, and she said no, who would complain? But give the “woman” a penis, and suddenly she’s required to have sex, or be bigoted?
Message: women must accept whatever penis is thrust at them.
I reject this message.