State theocracy from the governor of Kentucky:


#BringYourBible to School Day is THIS Thursday, Oct. 3!

The Judeo-Christian principles that are bound in this book are timeless, containing an amazing amount of history, knowledge, wisdom and guidance…

Bring it. Read it. Share it.

It’s attached to a video in which he says he wants to encourage every single student in Kentucky to do this bible thing. I didn’t watch the rest; I’ve had enough sick-making video for one day.

But about that tweet, and even apart from the church-state issue, and the other religions issue, and the what does that have to do with school anyway issue, there is also the content of what he says. Which “Judeo-Christian principles” are timeless? The pro-genocide ones? The pro-throwing a woman to dogs one? The pro-wars of religion ones? The pro-kill your kid if god tells you to one?

It is possible to find some ok moral advice in the bible if you really search, but so what? It’s easy to find better moral advice in other sources.

The bible is not a good source for history.

The bible is not a good source for knowledge or wisdom.

The bible is not a good source for guidance.

It has some ok stories, and some fine poetry (at least in the King James translation). It is useful for literary background, getting some idea of what believers believe, and the like, but what Governor Dopy says is just nonsense.

Plus that whole church-state issue, and the other religions issue, and the what does that have to do with school anyway issue.

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