Womxn of Acxiexmxnt
It’s spreading.
It's the LAST DAY for Early Bird pricing on tables of 8 for the 2018 Womxn of Achievement Celebration! Call or simply click below: https://t.co/drmqXP1W8N pic.twitter.com/1l6FFUS0SK
— YWCA of Olympia (@YWCA_Of_Olympia) October 30, 2018
COOL! Check out the @olyarts calendar, which features our 2018 Womxn of Achievement Special Guest Speaker, Kellie Richardson! Tix on sale NOW!#WOA2018 pic.twitter.com/q0ZiZN3cF7
— YWCA of Olympia (@YWCA_Of_Olympia) October 30, 2018
COOL! Check out the @olyarts calendar, which features our 2018 Womxn of Achievement Special Guest Speaker, Kellie Richardson! Tix on sale NOW!#WOA2018 pic.twitter.com/NFEtizJGcb
— YWCA of Olympia (@YWCA_Of_Olympia) October 31, 2018
It’s the wy DOUBLEYOU see ay – doubleyou for women. Not womxn, women. Women should be able to have things for them just as men are. I don’t think the YMCA has started referring to men as mxn so WHY IS THE YW REFERRING TO WOMEN AS WOMXN? Why is it always women who have to give way? Why is it so often women who rush to agree to give way?
Oh no, they slipped up.
Girls? GIRLS? Not gxrls? WHY NOT? Quick, somebody shove the girls aside too, before they start to think they’re real people just like boys.
Someone dared to question.
— Foxglove (@DefoNotBillyB) November 2, 2018
Wonder no more!
Totally intentional! The YWCA Women of Achievement is now Womxn of Achievement. Why? YWCA is using this more inclusive and intersectional language to encompass a broader range of identities.
— YWCA of Olympia (@YWCA_Of_Olympia) November 2, 2018
The YWCA Women of Achievement is now Womxn of Achievement. Why? YWCA is using this more inclusive and intersectional language to encompass a broader range of identities.
What “broader range of identities”? And what is too narrow about “women”? Why exactly can women not be allowed to have things that are just for women, not women and a broader range of identities? Why is it always women and women only who have to share?
And how does sticking an x into the word “women” make it more inclusive and intersectional anyway? What the fuck does it even mean? If I spell rabbit “rabxit” does that make it rabbits and skunks? What is magic about the letter x? Who squeals with joy at being included by “womxn” who felt left out by “women”? Anyone? Anyone at all in the whole fucking universe?
This shit gets on my nerves.
I can understand pushing for ‘trans women are women’ OR ‘womxn is necessary in order to include trans women’, but both? They are contradictory.
Oh well, just another entry in the list of logical contradictions from this mentality.
We gathered that! :D
(Yours and mine both. <3)
“The Not-Men Awards! Get Excited!”
An organisation for women doesn’t want to use the word women. Is it wine o’clock yet?
This is a backlash against feminism. We have a generation of feminists who haven’t read any feminist literature because they’ve heard how second-wavers are terfs, so they haven’t thought about gender as systematic and oppressive; who think feminism is about fighting for “everybody”, not women; who think women are privileged by their sex (that one realllllly shits me); and are going to find themselves wondering why things are still so shit for women in twenty years. They will probably have to begin a public campaign for women’s toilets to be established, too.
So bloody DUMB.
Maybe using even more varied language is more inclusive. I therefore look forward to seeing womzn, wom3n, wom!!!!n and wom
n used with increasing frequency as this trend reaches its inevitable climax.
Transwomxn are womxn…
So by the same rationale, should we also see a rise in forms asking if you’re femxle ? – the slight problem being that it sounds like the active ingredient in a thrush treatment.
James, I filled out a form the other day that asked my gender, and the only choices it gave me were “identify as” whatever. I clicked “Other” (it was an online form), and when it asked me to clarify, I simply put that I am female. I don’t identify as female, I don’t “identify as” anything, and I resent being forced into a language I do not accept.
I thought you identified as iknklast…
Actually, Bruce, I identified as a lemur, but I am now otter-identified (and the fact that I am unable to swim must never, ever, ever be used as evidence that I am not, in fact, as much of an otter as those who are AOAB).
“I have X’d you from my world.” Charles Manson explaining why he’d carved an ‘X’ into his forehead.