Hijacked and exploited
Trump’s pet ex-sheriff (who still calls himself “Sheriff” even though he’s an EX-sheriff), back from his Twitter suspension:
Really. Why would Florida students want gun control? What possible reason could they have to want fewer people wandering the landscape with an AR-15 and a backpack full of ammo? There surely is no such reason, therefore it must be Soros. Quod erat demonstrandum.
Just like black people really don’t mind being shot to death for broken tail lights or choked to death for illegal cigarettes, or killed for no reason at all by police officers. “Organizing” is such a tell. Wasn’t Obama a “community organizer?” People are to remain atomized individuals at all times. No comparison of circumstances or gathering to respond to a situation is allowed. You take it and you take it alone and you take it silently, like a good, patriotic rugged individual. Particularly if you are not white, or male or adult.
Rugged individualism. Except, of course, most of these rugged individualists are conforming to their peer group; it’s just their peer group is those who are politically incorrect, and therefore, rugged individualists who are Rambo’s against a corrupt system.
Or, unless you are just a simple
law-obidinghonestperjuring court-contemptor lying ex-sheriff exemplary POS well past the sell-by decade. Uhh, what was the question, ex-Clarke Jr … o look, a non-white squirrel!I suppose Soros was behind all of the ‘student-organised’ demonstrations against the Vietnam war, too.
Bloody students, they’ll always need rich adults to wipe their sodding arses.
Funny enough, earlier this month Popehat’s podcast, Make No Law, discussed the Tinker case (where the Supreme Court held that a public school had no right to punish students for wearing black armbands to protest the Vietnam War). In the interview with Ms. Tinker, she mentioned that she was often accused of having been “put up to it” by some outside agitators or other adults; people just couldn’t believe that teenagers might think for themselves and take action.
So it’s an old story, though the Soros-as-puppetmaster variant has its own unpleasant flavor.
Screechy Monkey, the same thing happened in the Jessica Ahlquist case. This young woman couldn’t take offense to the practice of religion in her school on her own, oh no, she had to have been put up to it by adults.
Why is it when kids do things that are bad, we always assume they’re doing it on their own, in spite of being told not to by the adults? And how often is it that high school kids do just what the adults tell them to? Little beggars have a strange habit of having minds of their own, and when that mind tells them to do something to prevent more of them from being slaughtered, they are not doing it because of adults, although there are usually adults involved who also care and support the kids. Having adults driving you around, or having adults support you is not the same as having adults orchestrating your every move. Even going to an adult who is an expert on a topic to get further information is not the same as being orchestrated by adults.
People of all ages and all over are horrified at this latest outcome, and we have been horrified for a long time. Lawmakers are not listening to the gun-control pushing adults, and now we know they are not listening to the kids who have been most traumatized, either. They prefer to insult the kids and pretend that teenagers who are not very far from being adults can’t think of things on their own.
Sorry for the rant. I am sick of these monsters who have seized control of governments at every level of power in this country (and some other countries, too, since Russia appears to be taking a stand in this).
The teenagers in question are taking seriously standards and ideals that corrupted legislators have long since abandoned, assuming they were even passingly familiar with them in the first place. To the extent that they have heard about these standards and ideals from others (as opposed to learning from personal experience, and I can imagine being under gunfire is a pretty intense learning experience) then they have been “put up to it” by adults. Some of them are named Jefferson, Lincoln, Gandhi, King, Parks and yes, even Jesus, Buddha and Mohammad. They might have come across other teens, too: Frank, Kielburger, Yousafzi. It is a powerful thing to know you are not alone, that others can see the same injustice you do, that you are a part of a continuing struggle that is centuries old, to recognize your thoughts and feelings in the words of others. It is more powerful still when you discover this for yourself for the first time. These cynical, jaded and corrupt politicians are afraid of this kind of passion and power and feel the need to stifle and squelch it as quickly as possible.
These teens, and all those before who have similarly survived the trauma of school shootings have more experience under fire than Cadet Bonespurs is ever likely to.
Beautifully said.
I’m suddenly reminded of Malala Yousef.
Thanks Ophelia.
Interesting Slate article on the history of high school activists being dismissed as pawns.