Aaron Blake at the Post on Trump’s disgusting “statement”:
Perhaps anticipating a damning report, Trump released a long, exclamation-point-laden statement preemptively making the case for not punishing Mohammed or his father, King Salman, even if they were involved. It’s a remarkable statement that even includes a smear against the slain journalist, while insisting that Trump didn’t believe the smear.
Below is the statement in full, with our annotations.
Exclamation points don’t belong in official presidential statements. He might as well do a press conference with his underpants on his head.
Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Standing with Saudi Arabia
Annotation: As much as the content of the statement, the headline reveals exactly what it is: A pass. A statement “on standing with” another country is what you put when that country is unfairly maligned or experienced a crisis. It’s not what you say when you are going to hold someone accountable for wrongdoing.
He’s in the pocket of foreign powers, he acts only in their interest when it coincides with his own, and won’t ever act in the United States of America’s interest unless he can make money, personally. So far, it is more lucrative for him to continue to deal with despots than protect the country of which he is president.