Above all, do nothing
You couldn’t make it up.
Can the Left let the families grieve for even 24 hours before they push their anti-gun and anti-gunowner agenda? My goodness. This isn't about a gun it's about another lunatic. #FloridaShooting
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) February 15, 2018
Can the Left let the families grieve for even 24 hours before they push their anti-gun and anti-gunowner agenda? My goodness. This isn’t about a gun it’s about another lunatic. #FloridaShooting
Where to begin?
We’re not preventing the families from grieving, or interfering with their grieving.
What “agenda”? The only “agenda” is to try to stop this horrendous thing from happening over and over – in fact to try to prevent it from ever happening again, on the grounds that it’s a thing that should never happen.
Can the Right stop framing the attempt to prevent future mass shootings as some sort of sinister “partisan” “agenda”?
Can the Right take a good look at the realities and grasp that it’s not automatically a core conservative belief that access to all kind of portable weaponry including assault rifles should be wide open?
Yes it’s about another “lunatic” or rather another alienated rage-addicted violent man, but if the alienated rage-addicted violent man had not had access to assault weapons he would have had a hard time inflicting the kind of slaughter he did. Yes it is about alienated rage-addicted violent men but it’s also about how easily they can get and keep and load and use guns.
In conclusion – we’ve done nothing to interfere with the families’ grieving. If only we could. Nothing can interfere with that. People like Tomi Lahren should consider maybe not using their grief to argue that we should do nothing to prevent mass shootings in schools.
Ugh. I feel dirty.
Look, your demands to do something actually productive about this problem are getting in the way with my empty platitudes about “thoughts and prayers.”
So, let me help here with a quote from @SethAbramson:
Some of those horrible liberals politicizing the massacre: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/374037-florida-high-school-students-criticize-gop-reaction-to-shooting
Maybe gun violence was supposed to stop through Trump’s sheer, terrific bigness of will, like how American “greatness” was supposed to return without any real effort or plan on his part.
It’s hard to think anything positive will come out of this or any other shooting. By my estimation it will take a few generations, 50 – 80 years of people slowly finding guns uninteresting. But then we will have drones. Joy. The only silver lining about drones is that a gun does very little to stop one and that will make some gun owners re-think their testosterone driven arsenals.
We need to keep a floating count of time between mass shootings/rage killing sprees. Then we’ll be able to tell when the clock shifts from ‘too son to talk about gun control’ to ‘too busy thinkin’ and prayin’ about the last one.’
Nice idea, John, but I think that the optimum time for talking is a very narrow one, occupying as it does a brief instance between ‘too soon’ and ‘Shit! Another one’.
Also, every airport, dock and other point of entry into the US should have a sign reading ‘Welcome to the USA. It has been _ days since the last mass-shooting.’